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I AM the Elohim of Purity! and I come to you today in order to create a sustaining momentum of awareness concerning those universal endowments which God with his mighty foreknowledge has created for each and every one of you. When you gaze upon the face of a rosy-cheeked babe, when you see the surge of magnificent renewed energy pouring through that form which a moment before was seemingly lifeless - sustained only by the momentum of its mother's bloodstream - you are able then to recognize that the power of God to endow Matter with the pneuma, with the living flow of the heart's light down through the sushumna and into the radiant manifestation of man's silver cord; you recognize the inflow of the power of the Maha Chohan, the power of the Holy Spirit, and those sustaining elements of Universal Principle which are the joy of every cosmic being.
For we bask in the living light of His presence. We are very much at all times a part of that presence. We could if we would, for example, be here and be there in the sense that while we would be in Los Angeles, we could merely by a thought find ourselves in a flash of lightning in Paris or Rome. But we sometimes choose to proceed along that leisurely pace as one of your airliners or as a being in flight - if they could fly - flying across the margent of the world and enjoying the scenery which we see below. Yet of late years because of the strange accumulations of human doubts and fear, the darkening clouds of materialism in the world's sky, the fact that the children and youth of the world have continually been instructed in a dialectical materialism and an epitome of human greed - does not in any way enable us to feel that we are now gazing upon Terra as we did in ages gone by when we were able to behold the immaculate concept not only from our octave and level of light, but also below as we beheld it above.
For we recall those grand, glorious, golden ages when your own beloved Saint Germain and others of the ascended host were rulers in the physical kingdom of the world. And the teachings - as in Atlantis of old in the fullness of her glory and in ancient Mu - made every man aware of his spiritual power. And darkness and deceit and the need to create the lie did not exist in the world, but pure honesty of heart. And when men met one another, they were able to gaze at the light of the heart; they could see the threefold flame pulsing there and watch as it would expand its influence and rise up - spilling over from the cup of identity into the world of form, flooding the atmosphere with a renewal of universal love, light, and intelligence.
This was an era of the God Self walking the earth below. And some of you carry in your finer bodies those subtle memories of those moments of universal purity when you were able to rise from the ground with the greatest of ease. As a bird, as a man on the flying trapeze, you soared through the air and went where you wanted to go. Those days should come again - don't you know? And they will if men will only understand that the true power of infinite cosmic motion, the true power of universal locomotion, of individual motion, is captured in the flight of the soul. Right where I AM, there ye are.
Will you then, following the Christ in the regeneration, hitch your wagon to his star and understand the magic of believing and understanding? For when there went out of human life the faith that God planted there because human sophistication and wit superseded it, I want you to know that what took place was a decay of the vital energies of the Spirit in mortal affairs, a shrinking of the silver cord, a decreasing even of the tube of light, and a shortening of the lifespan of man. The days after the Flood - the days when that decay set in, when the aborted forms were no more and the freedom of those imprisoned spirits was then achieved - was a time of both rejoicing and pity from the hierarchical level. For the Elohim were called into the cosmic councils. We were invoked even by the archangels. And those Seven Spirits6 of God which dance in the universal palm were convoked and our energy was brought forth.
And when I stood amongst those legions of light and I was consulted as to what should occur I said: "Let us once again enthrone the world in a concept of purity; for when they sank into that oblivion of mortal stature, when they began to understand themselves as mortal beings, when they thought of themselves as a puny intellect in a limited form, they entered the realm of the confining world and joy and purity were no more within them." And I said: "Let us rekindle in them the flame of purity." And many of those at that council turned to me with a look almost of pity at heavenly levels and they said: "You do not understand the degree, the degree of degradation to which this divine creation has sunk." And I said: "O my beloved ones, I understand what you have said. But I will take my stand for purity, and I must adhere to it even as we all must; for we cannot in our great momentum of enthusiasm and assistance for mankind permit ourselves to be dragged down in any way. We must uphold the standards of the age even as the ages roll without producing the fruit that God intended to produce upon the loom of life."
And thus, many unfruitful ages passed:
Ages of darkness, shadow and shame,
Ages of petulance and of blame,
Ages of confusion and of hate,
Ages of senseless human fate.
But never in the consciousness of God or any of the ascended masters did any invasion occur, any recognition of those lesser states exist. We could not tolerate. We did not deviate. We remained holding the immaculate concept for every lifestream below. And when individuals sought to magnetize for themselves the great God flame and to draw out from within their own individual hearts the precious flame of life that enabled them to spin a seamless garment for themselves, we rejoiced and our smiles appeared upon their countenances.
I tell you, blessed ones, those were moments of glory; for the world had waned in its expression of the divine image but heaven had not nor has it to this hour, nor will the hour ever come when the Elohim or the cosmic beings, the archangels, the universal council of ascended masters, or the hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood will ever lower its standards into mortal dimensions. We not only could not afford to do so, but we will not. And I tell you that if you will stand with me this day in a fervent determination to reverse the course of human history, to reverse the course of human energy within the forcefield of your own individual world, I will stand with you for the balance of this embodiment and I will assist you according to my expression of universal law.
May I ask that there be no whispering in this room or consort between mortal individuals. I am here, as I said before, for cosmic purposes and I do not choose to have any outer disturbances for, if you persist in doing it, I will make a sudden exit and the karma will be your own. I have winked at it for the moment, but I shall not continue to do so for this is an activity of great light and it is an activity that is fiercely dedicated to man's freedom. We cannot afford, then, to cater to human beings or to their concepts of us. We do not care what you think of this messenger. If you choose to think less of yourself than you should, we care. But we desire that you should understand that it would be the better part of wisdom to express a prayer to God, if you do not fully understand all that I AM doing, for the greatness of the soul of God that is within you to burst forth through those human bonds and express your own innate purity.
Now, precious ones, is the hour of salvation. Tomorrow is not guaranteed to any individual, for tomorrow is the gift of God that lieth in your hands as life expression today. When you expand this light and when you pray, when you recognize the power of purity to change your worlds and shape your destiny, it will mean a change in the world scene that all the world will appreciate.
For the world is waiting for the sunrise of infinite love, the first flush of the dawn of purity in man's consciousness, the understanding that the old order changeth, that "former things are passed away"7 but all things are new as the cosmic breath of purity infuses through and through. A power of the light I AM, a power to express, a power to adjust all wrongs, a power to redress, a power then to fabricate, to change the world that is into the truth that lives in Him who loves and lives and is yesterday, today, and forever - the Universal One appearing in many bodies, the Central Sun in lesser orbs, the universal truth that man absorbs that acts, then, later to reform the energies of sun systems reborn within the finite heart. The engrams of other worlds do now by fire impart a mold of immortality and purity on each heart.
I bow to the God flame within each of you, and I humbly ask your pardon for my intensity and devotion which is my expression and love for God, for being, for your true being, for our true perception of the Logos of life.
Note: The above dictation by Purity was dictated to the Messenger Mark L. Prophet at the First International Re-Source Conference in Los Angeles, California, on July 27, 1968 (4:08-4:37 p.m. PDT). This dictation is included in the cassette album, The Seven Elohim in the Power of the Spoken Word, A7636.