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Chapter 25
Cancer Diet and its Preparation

A Cancer Therapy
Results of Fifty Cases
The Cure of Advanced Cancer by Diet Therapy
A Summary of thirty years of clinical experimentation
Max Gerson, M.D.
Original e-book
25  Cancer Diet and its Preparation
    25.1  Forbidden
    25.2  Equipment
    25.3  Directions for Necessary Foods
        25.3.1  Juices
    25.4  Preparation of vegetables
    25.5  Absolutely Required
    25.6  Enemas

     THE DIET165 is completely different from normal nutrition. It is limited to fresh juices of fruits, leaves and vegetables; large quantities of raw fruit and vegetables are given in their natural form, or finely grated, salads of fresh leaves, fruits and vegetables, vegetables stewed in their own juice, compotes, stewed fruit, potatoes and oatmeal, the Soup of Hippocrates and a saltless rye bread. All must be prepared fresh and without addition of salt. After six to twelve weeks, animal proteins are added in the form of pot cheese (saltless and creamless), yoghurt made from skimmed milk, and buttermilk.

     This diet forms the basis of the medical treatment. It is based on the principle that sodium must be excluded as far as possible and the tissues must be enriched with potassium to the highest possible degree.

     This diet is digested more easily and quickly than normal nutrition; it burdens the metabolism as little as possible and stimulates the elimination of poisonous substances as well as abnormal intermedial substances of the metabolism. The amount of calories is smaller and the body digests each meal faster; therefore, larger portions and more frequent meals must be served. Patients should eat and drink as much as possible. Some may even demand extra food for the night.

25.1  Forbidden

     Tobacco, salt, sharp spices (fresh or dried herbs are permitted), tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, alcohol, refined sugar, refined flour, candies, ice cream, cream, cake, nuts, mushrooms, soy beans and soy products, pickles, cucumbers, pineapples, all berries (except red currants), water to drink (stomach capacity is needed for the juices).

     All canned foods, preserves, sulphured peas, lentils and beans, frozen foods, smoked or salted vegetables, dehydrated or powdered foods, bottled juices.

     All fats, oils, salt substitutes (especially sodium bicarbonate - whether in food, toothpaste or gargle), hair dyes (in the course of the healing periods, we observed many factors which not only retarded healing processes but produced new growths, and we learned from these observations how many factors in our modern civilization which we had regarded harmless damage our bodies).

     Temporarily Forbidden (Especially for the first months):

     Milk, cheese, butter, fish, meat, eggs.

25.2  Equipment

     Not to be used: Pressure cookers or steam cookers, pots or any tools of aluminum.

     To be used: Stainless steel, glass, enamel, earthenware, cast iron, tinware.

     For the preparation of juices, two machines are needed: A separate grinder and a separate press, preferably of stainless steel. Do not use one-piece apparatus such as liquifiers, centrifuges, juice mixers or juice masters, etc.

25.3  Directions for Necessary Foods

     Fruit (no cans), apples, grapes, cherries, mangoes, peaches, oranges, apricots, grapefruit, bananas, tangerines, pears, plums, melons, papayas, persimmons, etc.

     Pears and plums are more easily digestible when stewed. Stewed fruit may also be used. Dried fruit may be used if unsulphured, such as apricots, peaches, raisins, prunes or mixed fruit - wash, soak and stew.


     All berries, pineapple, nuts, avocados, and cucumbers.

25.3.1  Juices

     Always freshly prepared (it is impossible to prepare all juices for the day in the morning).

     Start with less and increase the quantity gradually.

     Daily portions (prescribed by the physician) in eight ounce glasses:

     ______ glasses of orange juice

     ______ glasses of apple and carrot juice

     ______ glasses of green leaf juice

     ______ glasses of grape juice

     ______ glasses of grapefruit juice

     ______ glasses of tomato juice

     ______ glasses of apple juice

     Add to each glass _________________________

     Do Not Drink Water Because The Full Capacity of The Stomach Is Needed For Juices And Soup.

25.4  Preparation of vegetables

     All vegetables must be cooked slowly, over a low flame, without addition of water. The slow cooking process is very important, in order to preserve the natural flavor of the vegetables and keep them easily digestible. Valuable components are lost in fast cooking by excessive heat, because the cells burst, the minerals go out of their colloidal composition and become more difficult to be absorbed. An asbestos mat may be used to prevent burning. A little of the soup mentioned above may also be used, or tomatoes, or apple slices may be placed at the bottom of the pan to give up more fluid. In some cases, this also improves flavor. Only spinach water is too bitter, contains too much oxalic acid and must be discarded. Tomatoes, leeks and onions should be stewed in their own juices, as they contain an abundance of fluid by themselves. Red beets should be cooked like potatoes, in their peel, in water. All vegetables must be carefully washed and cleaned. Peeling or scraping is forbidden, because important mineral salts and vitamins are deposited directly under the skin. The pot (not aluminum) must close tightly, to prevent escape of steam. Lids must be heavy and fit well into the pots.

     Raw fruit or raw vegetables, when finely grated or shredded, must be used fresh, as quickly as possible. Raw, still living tissues, may not be stored after any kind of preparation. The same applies in particular to the juices. Cooked foods (soup and fruit) may be kept in the refrigerator for 48 hours.

25.5  Absolutely Required

     Fruit and vegetable juices, fresh calve's liver juice166 and raw food. At least the quantities ordered by the physician should be eaten and drunk, even though that may present some difficulties to patients during the reaction period. During these reaction periods the patients themselves ask for raw, uncooked foods, more apple juice, raw and grated apples without peel, mixed with finely mashed bananas, which may be whipped with a fork into a light puree. Because of the great sensitivity of the patients or the hypersensitivity of the intestinal tract, even the raw juices must be mixed with a thin, filtered, oatmeal. Depending upon the severity of the case, fruit juice and diluted oatmeal should be mixed half and half; later, only two tablespoons of the liquid oatmeal should be added, until the reaction period is overcome. Raw, grated apples should be taken in large quantities. If they are to be consumed raw, it is advisable to peel them in order not to burden digestion and to reduce gas formation. Apples should be taken in every form; raw, finely grated, baked, apple sauce or as compote with raisins. Carrots should be used raw, finely grated, best with the same amount of raw grated apple, also cooked, lightly baked, sprinkled with honey or bread crumbs. Potatoes should be baked, i.e., placed in the oven in their skins, until they are soft, or mashed, or as potato salad, mixed with celery salad with a dressing of vinegar or lemon juice.

     Peppermint Tea - preparation:

     Add one tablespoon of dried peppermint leaves to two cups (one pint) of boiling water. Let it boil for five minutes and strain. Add brown sugar or honey and/or a little lemon juice, to taste.

25.6  Enemas

     Inasmuch as the detoxication of the body is of the greatest importance, especially in the beginning, it is absolutely necessary to administer frequent enemas, day and night (on the average, we give coffee enemas every four hours, day and night, and even more frequently against severe pain, nausea, general nervous tension and depression). Enemas also help against spasms, precordial pain and difficulties resulting from the sudden withdrawal of all intoxicating sedation. On the average, every other day, we give two tablespoons of castor oil by mouth, followed by a cup of black coffee, and, five hours later, a castor oil enema, in addition to the coffee enemas, without interrupting their frequency. Difficult as this may be to believe, experience has proved that frequent enemas completely eliminate the need for sedation. Some patients take enemas every two hours, or even more frequently, during the first days of the treatment. More advanced cases are severely intoxicated and the absorption of the tumor masses, glands, etc., intoxicates them even more; many years ago I lost several patients by coma hepaticum, since I did not know, and therefore neglected, the vital importance of frequent and regularly continued elimination of poisonous substances, with the help of juices, enemas, etc.

     To make enemas most effective, the patient should lie on his right side, with both legs drawn close to the abdomen, and breathe deeply, in order to suck the greatest amount of fluid into all parts of the colon. The fluid should be retained 10 to 15 minutes. Our experiments have shown that after 10 to 12 minutes almost all caffeine is absorbed from the fluid. It goes through the hemorrhoidal veins directly into the portal veins and into the liver. Patients have to know that the coffee enemas are not given for the function of the intestines but for the stimulation of the liver.

     According to the experiments of Professor O. E. Meyer and Professor Heubner of the University of Goettingen, Germany, it is not certain whether the caffeine stimulates the liver cells directly or indirectly through the visceral nervous system. In any case, the effect is an increased production of bile, an opening of the bile ducts and greater flow of bile. At the start of the treatment and during "flareups", the bile contains poisons, produces spasms in the duodenum and small intestines, and causes some overflow into the stomach, with resultant feeling of nausea or even vomiting of bile. In these cases, great amounts of peppermint tea are necessary to wash out bile from the stomach. Thereafter, patients feel much easier and more comfortable.

     A cup of coffee taken by mouth has an entirely different effect. It contains 0.1 gram to 1% grams of caffeine. It heightens the reflex response (Schmiedeberg), lowers the blood pressure, increases heart rate, perspiration, causes insomnia and heart palpitation, the local irritation stimulates peristalsis (stomach motility). For this reason it eliminates the castor oil faster from the stomach.

     Therefore coffee by mouth had to be limited to one cup taken by mouth after the castor oil.


165 Partially repeated from prescription booklet.
166 See Appendix III on chapter 34, section 3.