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Chapter 13
Beloved El Morya - April 8, 1990

Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1990
Inspired in
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

13  Beloved El Morya - April 8, 1990

Vol. 33 No. 13 - Beloved El Morya - April 8, 1990
Bonded to the Lord of the First Ray
The Initiation of the Bonding of Guru and Chela

     Hail, O chelas of the will of God! I am here and for a right good cause! [16-second standing ovation with joyous shouts by the chelas followed by:]

     Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya!

     Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya!

     For tonight I come to bless you and to bond you to my heart if you would indeed be bonded to the Lord of the First Ray.

     ["Yes!" (25-second standing ovation)]

     Let there then be no more separation between us, beloved, even though it be paper-thin or thinner. Where there is a cleavage in the rock so the fallen ones drive through, thereby to convince the weak and the unbonded that we are not one; and therefore all manner of calamity may come upon you. And you look and you look and you say, "Where is Morya? Where is Morya?"

     Well, beloved, the hour has come when I would raise you up if you would pull me down. For we must be in the heart of the Lord Christ and the Blessed Mother. We must be that diamond together. The capstone is placed on the pyramid.1 Let us seal our lives and let us listen well as to what must cast out the spell of darkness, death and gloom that would separate us at all.

     Blessed hearts, the bonding process is a sealing much the way there is a vulcanization in the processing of rubber. Blessed hearts, that sealing is that bonding. Therefore to achieve it you must understand the Path and its consequences. Thus, I come to speak to you in this hour when one and all we celebrate the birthday of our Mother here and our Mother Kuan Yin. This is the hour, beloved. Therefore, as Above, so below, let the Mother be one.

     Be seated now, for I would speak to you of our love.

     You have passed through many a fiery trial, but not all. This is the beginning but not the ending. And therefore look not for reprieve but for re-creation in your God. Look not with weariness upon what you think the morrow may bring, but rise and shine with your ritual to the sun.2 Admit no defeat. Admit no entrance to your house of despair, worry, despondency.

     Blessed ones, look only at that which comes to be conquered. Look above you and you will see Vajrasattva,3 the Diamond One, even the unison of the Five Dhyani Buddhas.

     Know this, beloved, that you must greet adversity and the adversary, welcoming the initiation and intensifying into it a release from your heart of sacred fire whereby you say:

     Where I stand, there is Morya!

     And in his name I say:

     Thus far and no farther!

     You shall not pass!

     You shall not tread on holy ground!

     You shall not enter this hallowed place!

     You shall not come between me and my God!

     My God is happiness this day.

     My God is holiness.

     My God is the divine wholeness of the Living One.

     I and my Father Morya are one!

     Blessed hearts, know, then, that for the bonding to take place you must desire to become all of the Chela, all of the Christ whom you embrace and all of me, as I am one in that One. The bonding of Guru and Chela bears great responsibility, for there is no longer twain but one. Thus you see, what affects one will affect the other.

     You can come unglued from this bonding by your free will, even as you may allow your mind to become unglued and the forces of insanity to enter there and to tell you that the will of God is not good. But you can by the recitation of the mantra and even of the ritual to God's holy will4 affirm and confirm and define where you are the essence, even the elixir of God's holy will.

     Not my will but thine be done. Not my will but thine be done.5 Lo, it is my mantra all the day, as I am bonded to the heart of Alpha. And by that strength and that Father I, too, am Father; for I come bearing the Alpha flame.

     My beloved, you have seen that you could withdraw from the world. You have seen how nothing in the world is of any consequence and how unencumbered you are without being surrounded by so many possessions. For you have packed them all away for another day!

     [9-second applause]

     We have determined, Kuthumi and I, to make yogis out of you, and yoginis. Now you see how little you have to take care of when all things are put away. What a simple life! What opportunity for mantrams, mantrams, mantrams, and the wheels to spin and the cells to receive the fire of God.

     Looking at empty rooms and four walls, you may perceive, beloved, that there is God, God, God, without the mind being caught on a hook of this or that knickknack or bric-a-brac that never was a necessity at all; for the God within you is all there is. And thus, beloved, hallow emptiness and fill it with the Holy Spirit.

     Let us be divested of so many encumbrances and [let us] value life itself as a living flame. For if life be not a living flame, can it endure? I say nay! Place your attention upon increasing the flame, for the winds of darkness will one day blow and they will seek to snuff out that flame. It must burn again in other octaves and climes. And you too must climb.

     Take another step and another, and accustom yourself to the rarefied air. For, beloved, holy atmosphere and sacred fire breath will restore every cell of life within you.

     Beloved ones, you can maintain the bonding of our oneness in this octave if you absolutely refuse to entertain despair. Despair is hopelessness. It is self-doubt and fear of God.

     Therefore let Love endure. Let Love endure as a fire that burns in the heart. And if you do not feel that fire burning, say:

     O Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, come into my heart!
Rekindle my love.
Let it overflow the chalice of my heart
That I might extend the cup of mercy
To every part of Life,
Every part of Life,
Every part of Life!

     Let Love go forth without dissimulation.6 Be not caught on that point where someone has done something [to you] that even for a moment you cannot forgive. Let God take care of it. Do not lose your oneness or your bonding. Do not enter into spirals of despair, thinking that any foul or unclean spirit may take from you the cup - the cup, beloved.

     Remember, one hand holds the cup, and they would dash the cup before you have drunk of this elixir of eternal Life. Therefore hold the cup steady. Hold the emotions steady, steady in the flame of the Elohim of Peace.

     I AM the Peace-Commanding Presence. Do not allow yourself to fall below the level of that love of Christ. Take the altar with you. Be the altar of God! Do not backslide. Do not allow yourself to tolerate vibrations and energies that fall to such a low vibration as to not even compare to the Path or the altar.

     If you have sat here for hours and hours of the days and years of your life, if you have sung, if you have preached, if you have chanted, if you have given forth praise to God, then I say, will you let it all count for naught by allowing yourself to descend so low that you [must] start all over again?

     Hold the ground that you have gained, I say! Hold the physical earth beneath your feet. Do not surrender one inch of territory, for you have claimed this place as the place of the coming kingdom. The kingdom that is coming must already be come. It is law. It is already here.

     Therefore when you begin to worry, to doubt, to have despair, despondency and not trust that we will enter in, you see, you waste our energy. And we cannot be bonded to such [a vibration] as this!

     Blessed hearts, the bonding is, in fact, a secret rite and an initiation of the inner temple. I offer you, then, a preliminary bonding whereby you can come to know little by little what this oneness can mean. And I tell you it is preparatory to your entering in to the etheric retreat where the soul is truly bonded; and that soul, beloved, must be well anointed with Light. For if we are to trust, we must have one that we can trust.

     One by one I would see the permanent bonding, but you must know there is a place where you can no longer go. You may no longer wander in the astral plane, in illusion, in fiction fantasies where emotions are titillated and thrilled, where baser desires are ignited and the soul will lose her path again in the lesser ways of the world.

     Some of you have twin flames who are yet in lower octaves. You must strive harder to maintain yourself at the etheric level and in the Christ Presence. You are responsible to pull up that one.7 But you allow yourself to be pulled down, thinking that if you go down, down, down, you will be able to rescue.

     Well, beloved hearts, if you go up, up, up, from that point of Light you can summon seven Archangels who will obey the command of the Christ in you. They will send their legions. They will rescue your beloved. But unless you provide the fulcrum, unless you provide in Light the absolute balance for what the other half has lost in descending, there will not be the leverage, there will not be the fulfillment of the Law and you will not be granted your prayer.

     Suppose, beloved, you do not know where your twin flame is. Suppose you do know that your twin flame is ascended or a great master or teacher. Nonetheless, there is always another's twin flame and another and another. There are twin flames of Ascended Masters yet lost in the astral plane and losing themselves more day by day. Thus, if you cannot or need not do it for your own twin flame, then I say, rise to the heights of the mountain of God on behalf of those twin flames who must be rescued to complete the mandala of the Great White Brotherhood.

     There are more Ascended Masters in heaven than you would dream of whose twin flames are lingering at such low levels of consciousness as to make it almost impossible for them to be reached or turned around by the ascended one. Thus, I tell you, beloved, there are many reasons why you must rise up and not be pulled down to the ties not only of twin flame but of others, of souls with whom you have a service to render.

     There are the Lightbearers who have been aborted who must be brought into embodiment. Prepare yourselves, raise up the Light and know that they cannot come through just anyone. I request that you appeal to me to be sponsored when you desire to bring forth a soul, a child of God, that you might be protected from the entering in of that which is not destined for you and not your karma.8

     Blessed ones, by our sponsorship there may be set aside karma and you may even bring forth lifestreams that you would not ordinarily be called [upon] to bring forth because of the condition of your karma. I ask for this, beloved, because I know whereof I speak. And I know that there are lower souls and false-hierarchy impostors who would give anything to be able to pass into this community through the portals of birth, through those who do not keep the vigil and keep their consciousness as holy parents desiring to sponsor those who may therefore secure the earth for the golden age of Saint Germain.

     The bonding process to my heart has begun for all [of you] who desire it if you will take the Ashram Notes,9 if you will faithfully do the rituals, not necessarily [all of them] hour upon hour but those you select to give at a certain time. Be regular and rhythmic. For each time you give even a ritual that requires but three minutes, you will tremble the antahkarana of all souls who are a part of this Ashram. You will strengthen the weak. You will be strengthened by the strong. You will see how a cosmos can quiver. For everywhere you are is Morya intensifying the Light.

     You do not have to walk the earth in the sense of being a karma-being, a person burdened and limited. Shout the fiats! Internalize the Light! And let this celebration of another birthday be a celebration of many candles lit around the world who have said, "This is the end of it! I will have no more to do with my human creation! I will stomp on it! I will drive it out! I will not be off guard. I will not catch myself in those valleys of derision whereby my own God is derided as I dally in the nonsense of self-pity and indulgence."

     Blessed ones, you must reassess your leap! You can leap much farther than you think. But you truly allow yourself to remain in such limited states that, I must say, my patience does run out. And I become impatient! And then I simply quit the place where you are, for I cannot wait another moment. For life calls me everywhere upon this planet and I must be there.

     And I am where the piercing of the Gemini Mind may reach the very heart of the mind of the chela, where quick as a flash of Light you catch my thought and then you do not dally in implementing it but you know it is my thought, for you know my vibration. You do it. You act upon it. And you know what is the process of receiving divine direction from your Guru heart to heart and mind to mind.

     You must have the opening. The ears must be opened! The pores must be opened! The chakras must be opened! And you must have a listening heart! You must have a listening mind! You must have space where I can speak to you and you can recognize my ray as distinct from the babble of all of the other astral voices that promise you this and that and easier paths and easy rewards.

     I have come determined that you will understand that you can be God-free beings today. I have come so that you will understand that even the cackling of the neighbors and the folly of the people will make you realize that if you are to conquer this wave, this level of onslaught, you must be higher. You must be higher than they. You must be more determined, more God-free, more centered and, above all, bonded to my heart. I simply cannot work through you when you have anger, when you have resentment, when you feel downhearted.

     You must absolutely know that I have put my life on the line for this activity. Why, beloved, I have given so much to this activity and to all of you that I could not even pull out if I wanted to.

     Now, this is a joke, beloved. And I wish you to understand that it is a joke. It is absolutely true! And the joke is on me. For you see, this does not mean that you have the Guru by the tail or that you are indispensable chelas. But it does mean that I have plighted my troth to you, and I am determined to stay until this entire matter is through. And I tell you that one way or another it shall be through! [21-second applause] And since I am not through with you and you are not through with me, then we know who is going to be through.

     [11-second applause]

     Therefore, let us establish our oneness before the altar of God through and through. I mean every word that I say. And all of the love of my heart is upon each one of you.

     Yes, I know your shortcomings, your mistakes, your goings out of the way. But it is because some devil, and a little devil at that, has convinced you that you are a mere crumb, that you are not a son of God, that you do not have the full power of the Godhead ready to descend upon you in answer to your call and by your affirmation. You allow yourself to be convinced by all manner of psychological meanderings that you are not worthy to be the embodiment of the Light, and then you allow those puny devils to recite for you once more every sin you have ever committed in this life. Beloved ones, will you shut them up once and for all? ["Yes!" (14-second applause)]

     On this birthday of Kuan Yin and the Messenger, I say to you in the name of cosmic mercy, thy sins be forgiven thee! I, El Morya, am your Guru and I say it in the name of the living Christ and by the leave of Jesus and the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit:

     Thy sins be forgiven thee! [31-second standing ovation]

     Now I, Morya, say to you, don't let me catch you picking up one of those ghosts of a former sin ever, ever, ever again! [13-second applause] I charge you, then, to walk out of this place this night as sons and daughters of God, sinless, stainless, purified and made white. And therefore go and sin no more, and forgive all others of their sins as I have forgiven you.

     Be the extension of Kuan Yin through my heart and through Mother Mary. Lift your head up high and now remember that on this day of April 8, 1990, I have said it: Be free! Walk as God-free beings in dignity and do not stoop to those lesser levels.

     Now, beloved, understand that there is a path to be walked and worked. There is studying to do. There is a mindfulness to gain if you are truly to be the embodiment of God's holy will in Christ's name.

     You will have to self-correct. You will have to study harder. You will have to decree and believe in your decrees. And you will have to give those fiats into the day and into the night to keep that dweller in submission so that the Christ can blossom forth and preach to the world the message of liberty.

     O beloved, strive harder to embody this God free will that I AM. For I tell you, all of the problems that beset you, all of the negatives you can list that are set against you, those things are as nothing before your God Self.

     Remember all the Ascended Masters who have spoken to you! Remember the dispensations! Walk the earth as ourselves! And then see how we will indeed defeat this adversary.

     You are concerned about the dates and I am the date man. [7-second applause] But I give no dates this night, for I have chelas who have not mastered their tongues. Thus, I will not see dates repeated outside of the circle of my dictations, and this has been done. And therefore we will inspire you to control the tongue, to control the mind and let it control the tongue and to let the heart be the instigator of the spoken word or the silence.

     I have said, and it is so, March and April are dangerous months. Therefore, see April through to the finish. See it through and through as the Messenger continues to lead you in the Ruby Ray rituals for the victory of our God in the earth. See the month through, beloved, and then we shall see.

     You must remember that karma must be balanced, debts must be paid. And while you have karma that extends into the earth and debts owing to any part of life, you are tied to those of lesser vibration and to a lesser civilization. I say, cut the ties, be satisfied with less and value your independence by having an independent karma. No ties, beloved. Therefore, at the appropriate cycle it is necessary to work and work the works of Light and work the labor of the hands and to see to it that you balance your accounts.

     Therefore understand that as you write to me through the Messenger and to the Messenger, your communications will be considered at the altar or they will not be considered. And you will be informed whether there is an answer, whether you must meditate in your heart and come up with your own answers, whether there be direction or not. The Law does not always allow me to give answers. If answers be not forthcoming, know that this is your initiation and it is one that you can truly pass.

     Perhaps you need a stilling of the mind. Perhaps you need a voice fast. Perhaps you need a rest from allowing the mind to continually be absorbing information, reading or watching television or listening to others talk so that from the time you awake to the time you sleep you are either hearing yourself talk or others talk or absorbing the communications of the world.

     If you would speak to God in his holy mountain, you must come apart and be a separate people.10 This was the command to Joshua: Be separated out from the Nephilim and their civilization, even go forth to slay all in the land of Canaan.11

     I say, slay all the dwellers-on-the-threshold, [the not-self lodged in the unconscious, the antithesis of the Real Self, who is Christ the Lord,] in the land. That is the meaning of the ridding of the earth of the seed of the Wicked One. They have nothing else, beloved, but a giant that has grown. This giant must be slain, and it can be done and it is lawful because it is on the astral plane. And therefore not a hair of the head of the individual in embodiment will be touched, but that dweller must be kept bound.

     There are many "dragons" and "trolls" and "wicked giants" that are running loose in the earth. Blessed ones, why is this so? You are two thousand and more strong here this night. Have you not the power within you or the gut or the belief or the faith that by your unified call all these [denizens of the astral plane] can be bound and reduced [by Archangel Michael and his hosts]?

     Blessed ones, the reducing of the crystal cord is in the scripture of Jesus Christ: From them that have not shall be taken that which they have. Those who have squandered the Light shall have taken from them the Light that they have misused. And those who have [the Light], to them more shall be added. Those who have [qualified] the Light [with godly virtue and good works] shall increase in the Light. This is the Law and the justice thereof, but it is also the mercy of God to prevent the evildoer from making a greater karma.12

     And so, beloved, you have been empowered from on high by the Masters of the First Ray for many a year. Some of you have used this power in spurts, and in between you have fallen into the crumb consciousness.

     No more crumbs, beloved. Get out your vacuum cleaners and sweep them up! Let them be no more. You will understand that you are a mighty people, the ensign of the Lord.13 You walk in your God and with your I AM Presence.

     Do not descend into deception. Do not descend into compromise. Obey the Law and know the Law. Pull yourself into your Christhood. And mind the proper diets and don't stray needlessly from them.

     Blessed ones, things are heating up on the international scene. You will see how this will unfold. Simply watch the evening news. And be still and tune in to the akashic record and the vibration and [listen to] what I speak to you when you see the sham of the leaders of East and West and their poor, paltry, mealymouthed excuses for not challenging the Soviet Union, which has taken up residence in Lithuania.

     Blessed hearts, the armies of the fallen ones are on the move, and they are encamped. But the armies of the Lord are encamped on the hillsides of the world.14

     You must learn to live in this world but to be not of it. You will have to master now in the five secret rays the walking of the razor's edge. You will have to function in the world and go ahead and pay your tributes to Caesar,15 even while you have withdrawn to [deal with the challenges of] the next world and the conditions that may come upon you if the cycles turn and when they turn.

     This is the Call, beloved, and this is the price to be paid. No one ever said that survival would come cheap. It comes with the bounty and the abundance of the Spirit. And it also comes, beloved, with the paying of the price.

     You have paid in advance for your survival. You have secured it. You have obeyed Saint Germain, who told you that preparedness is the key.16 Your very preparedness itself has forestalled certain events.

     Just understand this, beloved, that the human mind is unpredictable and that Soviet psychics and those who work with them at inner levels are well aware of the preparedness of the saints. Therefore they play a chess game. Yet be mindful that they are masters of deceit and of surprise. Be not caught off guard and yet maintain the integrity, the ongoingness of this community.

     From the Darjeeling Council and the Lords of Karma there is granted a dispensation for a four-day vigil over [the] Easter [weekend]. We invite all to come each evening, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Sunday. And we shall see by your input what dictations may be forthcoming.

     I am here this night to praise effort but to warn you that until the preparations are thoroughly through, they are not through. It is not a time to become lax or to become self-indulgent or to feel sorry for yourself. It is not a time to have problems in the home. It is time to love and to love and to love, and to give and to give and to give, and to forgive and to forgive and to forgive. It is time to understand and to extend understanding. It is time to know that many are burdened, and loved ones must hold up the burdened ones.

     Why, then, do any number of you contemplate divorce and other manners of the breaking down of your strongholds and your strength? Do you not know that the cause for these conditions lies in yourself and that sometime, somewhere you will have to conquer what you are finding to be insupportable in your household?

     I do not like chelas who want an easy way out and see something better in another's pasture and field. Remember not to covet what is thy neighbor's, neither his possessions nor his shelter nor his wife nor any thing that is thy neighbor's.17

     Blessed hearts, you are wed to Christ. You are wed to me. And wherever you serve side by side with any individual, there you must conquer in Love. And when you have conquered in Love and you feel that the bonds between you and another are through, for the karma is fulfilled, take care that in your decision you do not injure little ones or any part of life. But if you think you must be divorced, apply equally to the altar [to be unmarried] as you would apply [to the altar] to be married.

     Blessed hearts, this is a walk with God whereby God delivers you when he is ready to deliver you. And you will not set God's timetable. Do you understand? I am ashamed when you make demands of God and become angry when he does not fulfill them or the Messenger doesn't do what you think she should do when she should do it.

     Blessed ones, conquer within the self and understand that this path is not for the simpleminded. This path is not for the weak or the lazy! This path is not for the self-indulgent, who another time and another time until ninety times nine are still falling prey to the discords of their human creation.

     We say, seek the path of the bonding. I announce this initiation to you so that you will understand that some [of you], if you do not seek a greater bonding and a greater love and a greater love of the will of God, may find yourselves cast off from the Path and becoming castaways.18

     Yes, there are lukewarm chelas in this audience! And I tell you, you are not kindling wood with which I can ignite my fire that is a conflagration that shall burn out of these holes the rattlesnakes that lurk. You must give me better timber which I may present to the higher Lords to whom I am responsible. Blessed hearts, idling in mediocrity is a sickness. It is a sickness of the West to which the East has now fallen prey.

     I pray you will understand that I may not tell you all things, but the cycles turn. If you are to meet the greater Darkness, you must have greater Light and you must get it with the fiery vengeance of the Great Mother Kali.

     Yes, beloved, you must trample upon that human creation. You must be the charioteer.19 It is time to be the Christ. And the one who will suffer if you do not will be yourself and one by one [your loved ones and then] the activity and ultimately the entire purposes for the Great White Brotherhood in the earth.

     Blessed ones, staying power is a great virtue. I call it constancy. Whatever else you may think of this Messenger, I have been able to count on her with [her] staying power from the moment she entered this activity in 1961. I would like to be able to say the same of each and every one of you - staying power!

     Do not take as an excuse [to abandon Maitreya's ship] the behavior of this or that chela or member of the staff or the organization. Perfect people are not found in this world. Do not in your pride take their imperfections as your excuse to fail in your own right.

     It is your right to be victorious, beloved. It is your right to understand that the cycles are turning, that the time is short, that the judgment will descend, that you will have that confrontation [with Darkness] sooner or later. And every twenty-four hours is a period to increase the momentum [of Light].

     Blessed ones, if you do not walk about with the sensation of fire in your heart, you ought to be concerned! And you ought to stop a moment and pray to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and take sixty seconds to close your eyes and intensify your love of Jesus Christ and to call to Jesus to come into your heart until you are filled with the fire once again.

     The fire of your heart is your only passport to heaven. It is true, beloved, I tell you. Become masters. Do credit to me, your Guru, and show the world that this path can be walked and that people of any sort or nature or background or sin or shortcoming can conquer and can win.

     Do not accept yesterday's memory of you by anyone. You are not your yesterday, but everyone else will believe it. Do not believe it. And slay those demons.

     You big, strong, young men, you would be ashamed to see what puny demons can take you out of the way with their stupid arguments. Why, their logic is not even clever. But because you have not studied my teachings, you are not one with the Logos, with the Word, and therefore you do not see the temptation, you do not see the folly of their logic.

     Blessed ones, all of you have gotten smarter this year. But some of you have learned the hard way.

     I come to introduce a decade of great severity, a decade of great challenge. You can roll through it the hard way and receive every knock and blow and [negative] astrological portent that comes your way or you can come to this altar and pray your heart out and then live your life as a noble son and daughter of God. You can do it, beloved! And I have come to tell you you can do it.

     I have also come to tell you that the only way to get through the decade of the nineties is as a living conqueror in the Spirit. Be not hopeless with or without the body. By this sign you conquer. It is the sign of the Sacred Heart. It is the sign of the will of God. It is the sign, beloved. And there shall no other sign be given save the sign of the prophet Jonas.20 Enter, then, into the belly of the mother whale for three days and three nights and emerge unscathed and clothed in your Christhood.

     Yes. Yes. Celebrate the passion of Easter and walk with Jesus every step of the way. Pull out your Bibles and read! Read the story from Palm Sunday to the finish and say, "Yea, Lord, I am with you there! And I shall be resurrected [with you] on Easter morn." Each and every one shall pass through pain and trial and tribulation until he is purged through and through by the Refiner's fire21 and does awake in the likeness of his God.

     I AM here. Remember that I AM here. I do not leave you. Do not leave me in vibration. Let us see, then, how we will defeat the latest plot. Many pass through to the judgment.

     I tell you, beloved, my communications to the Messenger are day by day. I will not prognosticate the future this night but only to say, be alert, expect the unexpected and you will win.

     To the heart of my beloved Messenger and to all of you I say, a happy birthday. [28-second standing ovation]

     This dictation by El Morya was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Palm Sunday, April 8, 1990, 9:46-10:36 p.m. MDT, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. [N.B. Bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under El Morya's direction for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom.


1 The Elohim Cyclopea announced at the conclusion of the November 26, 1989 service that he was placing the capstone on the pyramid of the United States of America at the level of the etheric octave. See 1989 PoW, pp. 789-94. For the astrological chart of this event see 1988 PoW, Book II, Introduction, pp. 58-61.
2 Great Central Sun Ritual: O Cosmic Christ, Thou Light of the World! in El Morya, Ashram Notes, pp. 16-18.
3 See 1989 PoW, pp. 537 n. 4, 764 n. 20.
4 Sacred Ritual for Attunement with God's Holy Will, in El Morya, Ashram Notes, pp. 19-23.
5 Matt. 26:39; Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42.
6 Rom. 12:9.
7 See Lady Master Venus, November 17, 1985, 1986 PoW, Book I, pp. 48-49.
8 See El Morya, August 8, 1988, 1988 PoW, Book II, pp. 593-94.
9 The Ashram Notes, dictated between 1952 and 1958 by the Ascended Master El Morya to his amanuensis, Mark L. Prophet, contain 39 letters originally sent to a small circle of chelas who composed the "Ashram." These letters have been edited and compiled by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet under the direction of El Morya and are available for the first time in print. They include six rituals to be given simultaneously around the world in group meditations. The Ashram Notes are bound in golden-brown Kivar leatherette with gold foil stamping.
10 II Cor. 6:14-18.
11 Josh. 6; 8:1-29; 9:24; 10-12; 24:14-24.
12 "For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath." Matt. 13:12. (See also Matt. 25:29; Mark 4:25; Luke 8:18; 19:26.)
13 Isa. 5:26; 11:10-12; 18:3; 30:17; Zech. 9:16.
14 II Kings 6:13-17; Ps. 34:7.
15 Pay your taxes and fulfill your karma to your government. Matt. 22:16-21; Mark 12:14-17; Luke 20:21-25.
16 Saint Germain, November 27, 1986, 1986 PoW, Book II, p. 648; May 21, 1989, 1989 PoW, pp. 465-66.
17 Exod. 20:17; Deut. 5:21.
18 I Cor. 9:27.
19 See Serapis Bey, January 1, 1990, 1990 PoW, pp. 35-36.
20 Matt. 12:38-40; 16:4; Luke 11:29, 30; Book of Jonah.
21 Zech. 13:9; Mal. 3:1-3; Matt. 3:11, 12; Luke 3:16, 17; I Cor 3:13-15; I Pet. 1:7; 4:12.