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Seldom in the course of embodying the noble mien of the Cosmic Teacher does one encounter a group of devotees so prepared, so willing to enter into the heart of the Cosmic Christ; [therefore,] this welcome you afford me in the West is a highlight in my service.
Thus, I come; for a cradle has been provided not alone by Gautama or the Divine Mother or Sanat Kumara but by hearts self-prepared, determined, even by those who by the standards of Eastern paths may not have, "apparently," spiritual qualifications to be the abode of Maitreya.
We see with inner eye. The rough-hewn or the outer crudities do not discourage us when we see a fire that burns clean within. Yet this is not to say that we do not then come to tutor and to refine, for what is Buddhahood but refinement of all [that] with which the newborn child of God has [been endowed].
There are wise ones in the earth. There are kind ones. Refinement, including the balancing of karma, is all that stands between these jolly-good folk and the bodhisattvas1 who are the inheritors, as are the bhikkhus2 and the nuns, of a tradition that does establish certain givens as being most certainly and most obviously a part of the Path.
Prepared, then, are ye by the Ascended Masters, by the Divine Mother, by the Messengers. Now, then, through you I would shorten the distance between my heart of hearts and the heart of an unenlightened humanity.
Beloved ones, one tender smile is surely worth a thousand frames of the face of Maitreya. The loving, overflowing, pure heart's giving - does this not convey the Maitreya beyond the veil? I desire you to be myself, not in pomposity or pride (now self-styled initiators of lesser mortals), nay, but to remember that by the grace of the one who has sent me you yourself might be my vessel.
You say, then, "But you have not yet appeared to us, Maitreya. How can we be thyself appearing to others?"
Yet I have so many times appeared to you.3
Will you not, then, first and foremost take up the study of all of my dictations [which I have released] even through these two disciples, your Messengers?4 Will you not search them to discover the keys of this age that is known in some quarters as "the Age of Maitreya"? Then will you not see that all others [of the spiritual hierarchy] who have released by the Holy Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood the vast Teaching set forth have also been my Messengers - the Ascended Masters, the angelic hosts?
Can there not be even a treasure mapping of these teachings? Can there not be a choosing one by one of a single gem of a virtue to embody, come what may? Can we not be together a mass of crystalline substance as one body, one forcefield, truly endowing and instilling the consciousness of the Universal Christ to a planet?
Blessed ones, the higher the spiritual vibration, the greater the railing and the revenge of forces of unreality. Blessed ones, therefore seal the circle! Seal, then, and guard by scientific prayer this place that has been prepared.
Truly, our religion must include the [hallowing of the] place beneath our feet whereby we direct into the earth currents of the heavens. And how greatly are they needed, these life currents, restoring streams of immortality that may quicken the dried-up selves in the earth.
Life is about to know and receive such an increment of mercy through the heart of Kuan Yin that that mercy shall bring an enlightenment, an awareness, an understanding, a self-knowledge. Is not the greatest gift of mercy, the most merciful gift of all, the gift of self-knowledge? We count it as such and as the greatest treasure, the only treasure that can be retained: Self-Knowledge, Be-ness - [truly, know thy self] as a being of fire.
I would woo you to the courts of Maitreya. Come and find me, beloved. I shall not tell where I hold court to deliver my mystery teachings in the etheric octave, for I desire those who have the magnet of my heart to find me as one would find a treasure without a map - only by lodestone attracted to lodestone.
But I place in your heart, in this hour together, fire of my fire. I dip into this fire, beloved - a gold and pink and white fire - I dip into it, and in the multiplicity of my Self and Presence I place [it] into an urn (which I have by your leave already placed upon the altar of your heart) - a beautiful gold and pink and white fire. These colors merging, beloved, produce many hues.
Therefore, [visualizing this fire] as petals of roses, fiery roses with dewdrops, you shall know that when you meditate upon this fire through the call to the golden pink glow-ray, you shall be drawn unerringly to my abode. And you shall know that the requirement of approaching me by a congruency of vibration has been met by all whom you find in my abode. The golden pink glow-ray is the entrance to the realm of the Buddhas.
Blessed hearts, there are yet today eight Buddhas in incarnation on this planet, and the ninth again.5 Thus, beloved, it is not entirely [in] the [correct] measure of prophecy that all of the earth this day is waiting for my physical incarnation. Think you not that I am in the heart of these Buddhas? Indeed I AM.
Nevertheless, Buddhic attainment is of the vast spheres of the causal body, such that you would not necessarily recognize one of these blessed ones should you encounter them.6 Yet, beloved, you shall surely know the Buddha in the way when you expand the golden pink glow-ray of the heart, becoming thereby tender, sensitive, loving in a beautiful sound of Love - love as appreciation for the soul, for the spirit, for the vastness of potential and being, but above all [as] appreciation for the God Flame.
In gratitude for the God Flame that is your threefold flame, serve to set life free. Kindness always comes forth from gratitude. Selfishness emits from the state of the ingrate who receives again and again and demands more and demands more again as though Life and Hierarchy and Mother should supply all wants and needs.
Blessed ones, to forget to be grateful for the gift of the flame of Life means that you can be capable of riding roughshod over another's tenderest moments and feelings in this insensitivity.
"The Keeper's Daily Prayer"7 is given [to you] by the blessed ones, by the beloved Nada, that you might neglect not profoundest gratitude, daily memory that you are and shall be eternally yourself because the flame of Life as divine spark beats, beats, beloved, and leaps, burns and blazes within you. All else may fade but the flame burns on, and out of the flame is [heard] the Call, the call to the soul: "Come Home to the heart of Maitreya."
God calls you to the level of my being as the safe habitation, the biding place - all other stations, mystery schools, universities of the Spirit leading to the securing of the security of Oneness with the heart of the Universal Christ. From that place, having once attained to it, you need never descend or depart. Thus, it is true Freedom and [the] true Freedom that I hold for thee. And I hold it, beloved, as the champion of your beloved Saint Germain, all Masters of the Seventh Ray and age.
I come, then, the proponent and the advocate of all who shall supply the mosaic of Aquarius with the rich manifestation of the Seventh Ray, its alchemy and religion, its inner self-government.
O the journey of Aquarius from the center of the earth to the center of the Sun, may it be thine!
May you treasure that which is immutable and begin to let go of those things that by time shall pass away, by space shall pass away. Heaven and earth ultimately shall pass away, but my Word as thy God Flame shall live forever.8 Be not satisfied until this Flame grow and grow, envelop thy soul, make permanent this soul potential, and raise you as a plucked immortelle to levels of permanence and permanent joy.
I AM in the mystery of the Word's unfoldment within you. I rejoice that you have entered the heart of Kuan Yin as you have entered the heart of Mary, that both sides of thy being, both sides of the brain, so nurtured [by the Divine Mother] East and West, might embody the ageless wisdom. In the heart of Kuan Yin you are truly ferried in this prajna boat.9 Thus, I AM the Flame, I AM the Boat, and I AM in the heart of the Divine Mother.
I come to seal you, to secure you, to see to it that though karma and karmic waves may rise to assail, though forces sinister may for moments prevail, your soul in devotion to the God Flame, amplifying the golden pink glow-ray and the whiteness of the Mother, might know that sense of security of Oneness that trusts:
I shall shuffle off this mortal coil.
I shall live in the Flame of God forevermore.
I shall build my house as the Buddha house of the spheres of the secret rays of the golden pink glow-ray of God-gratitude whereby and whereto I become appreciative of all Life and of the circumstances of all Life
[of all lesser manifestations of that Life which is God].
Through this gift of fire from my heart you may become all that I AM sooner or later, as you will it, mindful that the Sangha does not exist without the living chalice, that the Dharma does not exist without the living chalice, that the Guru-Chela relationship does not exist without the living chalice.10
I enter the heart of the dewdrop. Come and find me.
This dictation by Lord Maitreya was delivered by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thursday, June 30, 1988, at FREEDOM 1988 in the Heart of the Inner Retreat at the Royal Teton Ranch, Montana. In the darshan with the Cosmic Christ prior to the dictation the Messenger gave teachings on the Ascended Master Lord Maitreya and reviewed traditional Buddhist beliefs about Maitreya. Darshan and dictation included on 2 audiocassettes, B88092-93, 2 hr. 44 min.; dictation included with those of Archangel Raphael, El Morya and Kuthumi on videocassette HP88054, 2 hr.
1- I AM calling today for thy Golden Pink Ray
To manifest round my form.
Golden Pink Light, dazzling bright,
My four lower bodies adorn!
Refrain: O Brotherhood at Luxor and blest Serapis Bey,
Hear our call and answer by Love's ascending ray.
Charge, charge, charge our being
With essence pure and bright;
Let thy hallowed radiance
Of Ascension's mighty Light
Blaze its dazzling Light rays
Upward in God's name,
Till all of heaven claims us
For God's ascending flame.
2- Saturate me with Golden Pink Light,
Make my four lower bodies bright;
Saturate me with Ascension's Ray,
Raise my four lower bodies today!
3- Surround us now with Golden Pink Love
Illumined and charged with Light from above;
Absorbing this with lightning speed,
I AM fully charged with Victory's mead.
And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!
Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!