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Chapter 47
Beloved El Morya - September 23, 1984

Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1984
Inspired in
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

47  Beloved El Morya - September 23, 1984
    47.1  Beloved Lord Maitreya - September 26, 1984

Vol. 27 No. 47 - Beloved El Morya - September 23, 1984
A Study in Christhood by the Great Initiator
Message to America on the Mission of Jesus Christ

     Greetings, beloved of my heart. I welcome you into the fervor of the will of God that has been the best part of my life for centuries.

     Oh, as I contemplate the vast mysteries of cosmos, were it not for the sustaining power of that will divine in my life and myriad angels who also succored me in my hours of travail, I should not have reached the goal or been able therefore to assist you to attain your own.

     I am grateful to welcome you to the Heart of the Inner Retreat, the place consecrated for our worship of the one God. I am grateful for your sustaining grace and a momentum worldwide of these devotees who have seen that star of the will of God and are determined to bring its fruits to their families, communities, and states.

     I would tell you that if there were a moment in history when I should choose to embody and live for the betterment of mankind, it would be in this hour of 1984. I come to encourage you in the way of standing for the Light and assisting the progress and the healing of nations and hearts.

     I would give you, then, a morsel of my own - my sense of compassion not alone for people everywhere but in fact and indeed for the individual. As I once wrote, "The orphans of the Spirit are our concern"1 - those who have not been tutored in the inner Light and know not the way to go.

     Many of you understand the journey of Jesus our Lord to the Far East, and you understand the purpose of his journey taken when a teenager, as many of you who are here today are. It was in pursuit of the teachers of the Far East and a teaching itself. It was preparatory to his final years in Palestine.2

     And so he did meet the great lights of India, and he did take the teachings of Hinduism and Buddhism and make them come alive. And he did challenge, therefore, the priesthood, the classes who denied to the poor the full flowering of that Spirit. And he preached to the poor and he gave them back the dignity of life. And for this, they who held the reins of power in religion sought to take his life as they did later in Palestine.

     Beloved ones, I point out to you one of the most pernicious errors of orthodoxy this day, and it is the lie that Jesus is the only Son of God, and furthermore that Jesus came into embodiment in the full mastery of Christhood and did not himself have to follow the Path and realize his own inner God-potential before beginning his mission.

     These things are plain in scripture, but the scriptures have been read and reread so many times that the true intent is no longer heard by the soul. The layers of misinterpretation and then the removal of the very keys themselves have given to Christianity today a watered-down religion that does not have the fervor or the fire to meet the challengers of civilization - whether it be in World Communism or in pornography or all manner of perversion or immorality that does steal the light of the soul.

     Beloved ones, I tell you, nothing can move forward in life unless the individual has a true understanding of God and his relationship to that eternal Spirit. Therefore, realize that Jesus did not come from God a new soul, born for the first time in his incarnation in Nazareth. Nay, I tell you! He was embodied as Joshua, the military hero of the Hebrew people.3 He was embodied as Joseph and wore his coat of many colors as the favorite son and did go through all manner of trial and persecution by his own brothers who were jealous of him; and yet he found favor in the sight of Pharaoh.4

     Beloved hearts of light, you know the soul of Jesus in Elisha, the disciple of the prophet Elijah.5 And you know that Elijah came again in the person of John the Baptist as was prophesied and as it is written.6 Jesus gave to his own disciples the confirmation that this John the Baptist was Elias come again,7 thereby ratifying the teaching of reincarnation. Yet it is still denied by those Bible-quoting Christians who have determined to say it is not so. And I will tell you why they say it is not so: it is because they do not want to accept their accountability for their own past karma!

     You cannot believe in reincarnation unless you will also stand, face, and conquer the deeds of the past. Thus, the nonaccountability, due to the upbringing of children in the West today, does not prepare warriors of the Spirit to meet the inroads that are being made by all forces of lust and greed after this nation's light and after this citadel of freedom.

     Understand, then, that your understanding of the one God and the one Christ enables you to see that that one God and one Christ has vouchsafed to you the I AM Presence and Christ Self as the manifestation of pure divinity - not many gods, but one God. And the pure Son of God is the universal Christ whose body and bread are broken for you. And therefore, as partakers of the Light, as one with the Holy Christ Self, you also may pass through the initiations of discipleship as Jesus did. And you ought to look forward to and expect the fullness of that Christ dwelling in you bodily.

     Wherefore evolution of a spiritual nature? Why have the prophets come? Why have the avatars appeared? Because they are favorite sons and all the rest are sinners? I tell you, no! And it is the most pernicious lie, as I have said, for it stops all short of the mark of that high calling in Christ Jesus of which the apostle spoke.8 And none dare become heroes or leaders or examples. And those who do are set on a pedestal of idolatry rather than seen as the example!

     What one can do, all can do. And this is the philosophy of the Darjeeling Council that we would impart. We would quicken and enliven you, as God has empowered the saints to do, to unlock that potential of your heart, that divine spark, and to show you that lifetime after lifetime you have been moving toward that point of the courage to be who you really are and not to accept the philosophy that you are evolved from animals and that you cannot exceed the matrix of the animal creation.

     Beloved ones, what shall be left of a planet? - a scientific humanism? What shall be left? - world socialism and all shall become drones in a planetary movement controlled by moguls of power East and West?

     Beloved hearts, this is the goal of sinister forces. And let none deny that there is an Antichrist.9 For the Antichrist is every force within and without the psyche of man that would put down that true and living God within you. Realize that this is not of necessity a person who will appear at a certain time, but it is the decision on the part of many to embody the destructive forces of the universe to put out the light of freedom, nation by nation.

     Without the understanding of the equation of Armageddon, without the understanding of free will, it is impossible to realize that some have chosen the left-handed path of destruction, of the Lie, and of the Murderer. And without accepting this, it is impossible to understand so-called human behavior, which is not human at all, but it is devil behavior and the behavior of devils incarnate.

     Do I sound like a fundamentalist Christian? Well, I am! [applause] Remember well: I came first to adore.10 I was transformed. I was transfigured. I was, if it need be said, the first "born-again Christian."

     Beloved hearts, I say it only that you realize that saints East and West, whether or not they have contacted Jesus the man in his life or since, have had the conversion to Christ. And they have perceived that Christ in Buddha. They have perceived that Christ in Krishna. And let none deny it, for when you deny the Son of God in one who has outpictured that virtue and love, you effectively close the door to that Light coming into your own temple.

     Thus, you see, a religious teaching that denies the calling of the individual to embody the living Christ is, in fact, calculated by dark forces to deny the open door to divinity to every son of God. John said, "Beloved, now are we the sons of God ...,"11 and this he learned with his head upon the breast of Jesus.12

     Therefore, understand the meaning of the trek to the Himalayas by the teenager Jesus. Those lost years - eighteen in number - show the great preparation of this soul of light, this Son of man, this one who truly embodied the full effulgence of our God. It shows that by his example he left for you a record of the path of discipleship - that it is true, that it is legitimate.

     And in the ancient texts of the Vedas and the teachers of India, stored in the Himalayas and held in the heart of unascended masters, there is that living record - the law written in the very body temples of those who have kept the vigil of that which was held in the ancient temples of Lemuria. For those teachings of the law of God that were there were transported to the caves and retreats of the Himalayas before the sinking of that continent. Thus, going back, far back beyond all recorded history, you find the lineal descent of those who have come to earth for a single purpose: to seek and find the thread of contact with Almighty God and to demonstrate by their lives a living Truth.

     Men may tamper with scripture. They may rewrite the codes of law to suit themselves and their lowered and lowering standards. But they may never change the records of akasha. In akasha - as the subtle energy and force that permeates the planet and your auras - you will find the record of all past incarnations of yourself, of all previous incarnations of masses of lifewaves who have come here from other planetary homes. You will find the records of civilizations.

     You will find that today those who write the stories of motion pictures and books - such as Taylor Caldwell, who wrote as a child of the story of Atlantis13 - have been given the gift of tying into these akashic records. And they have sat down and written about subjects concerning which they knew nothing. And not only have they recorded for people all sorts of invaluable information that would give keys to the past and past glories of civilizations of great light and scientific achieve-ment, such as in the Edgar Cayce readings - but they have also shown a teaching and a path and an understanding for each individual soul to find his true roots all the way back to the birth in the heart of the Great Central Sun and the descent to incarnation here.

     What for incarnation in a darkened world and a darkened star? Why put on veils of flesh? It is because the soul demanded free will and the right to experiment in the universe of God, and the Father accorded the request. And they went forth as from the bosom of Abraham, from the Great Causal Body, and evolved into denser and denser spheres. And, alas, came those hours when the fallen angels did tempt them away from their first love and that of the God Most Holy. And there began to be the densification of the flesh and the mind, and people lost the contact with their God. They forgot the name I AM THAT I AM.

     And God sent the knowledge of the true monotheism in the midst of pagan cultures, even to Ikhnaton14 and then to Moses. And once again the great I AM became the focal point as the sun - symbol of the Presence of God - the many hands extending as Ikhnaton saw it, the power to move a nation as Moses perceived it, and today the source of your strength and your healing as you perceive the same Presence.

     They may attempt to divide the body of God upon earth by religious schism and argumentation, by placing the emphasis on the letter of the law. We have seen enough of inquisition in our time! We have seen enough of the wars of Protestant and Catholic! What is the net gain? The only true gain on the path of religion is the Spirit, the Holy Ghost with the individual and then moving nations - Yahweh moving among his people, who is still able to draw out of America those servant-sons of God who will truly manifest an example of the path of freedom and discipleship with Saint Germain, the beloved Joseph.15

     Beloved hearts of light, you see that the return to discipleship is necessary, for a people have forgotten their God. They have not understood the true coming of Jesus and therefore they do not understand why the saints have lived, why they have sacrificed, why they have left a record - because the emphasis is not on you, but upon Christ nailed to a cross.

     This will afford you nothing unless you yourself realize that all that was in this Son of God can be yours. And the imitation of the path of Jesus Christ is surely our calling and our teaching. It is the fundamental teachings of the Spirit. It is the teachings given to the apostles. It is the anointing of the apostles. It is the transfer of fire, heart to heart! It is a leaping and a speaking in tongues. It is the power of our God with us unto healing. And yes, it is poring over the ancient scriptures. John the Beloved himself took from the Vedas: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Brahman." Blessed hearts, such fragments, such husks are left.

     And thus, where does a nation stand when challenged by the taunting of a Kaddafi or terrorists or Cubans or Communists? It is divided and weak. Where does it stand when there are those who tamper with the money supply and the economy? Where does it stand when the children cannot read and write and cannot rise up to become leaders and representatives of still the greatest nation on earth?

     Where do a people stand when they do not have recourse to Almighty God and his Spirit in them? What can they do when their bodies are beset by drugs, when they are caught up in violence, when all manner of pleasure and entertainment is the first thing they think of when their jobs are through? I tell you, if America is to be saved from that which is plotted by the dark ones on this planet, there must be a rising fervor and a return to first principles both in church and state.

     How shall we tell them? How shall they be God-taught when the false pastors have invaded the temples and denounced even the very communion of saints which we enjoy with you and you with us in this Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood? Brothers and sisters of light on earth have a right ordained by Jesus Christ to commune with brothers and sisters in heaven, not by psychic or astral means, but by the true Holy Ghost. And the Holy Ghost is the Comforter and the Teacher who has come to you to bring all those things to your remembrance which Jesus taught you.16

     When did he teach you those things that you are now reminded of? When? Were you all there in Galilee? It is not quite possible for the tens of thousands and millions who ascribe to the path of the Brotherhood on this planet to have all been there in the flesh. And thus, Jesus spake to all of you to whom he preached in all octaves of being in that hour and mission. For the Son of God truly spoke from the etheric retreats, and all the world heard him.

     Do you think his fame spread only by the apostles or only by the grapevine, as they say in India? I tell you, no. The power of the presence of Jesus Christ in the earth has been the power to contact every living soul these two thousand years with the inner knowledge and the sense of the honor of Christ's presence in them. And that teaching is ongoing no matter what is said in their mosques or synagogues or temples.

     For the living Christ does shepherd his own, nation by nation, and for this reason: People understand right and wrong, they know what ought to be and ought not to be, they know what is evil if they will allow themselves to perceive it. And therefore, the Standard lives. The honor code is present with the comings and the goings of philosophers and psychologists and all the rest who now say, "this is right," and then say, "this is wrong."

     Relative good and evil is not the story of your life. Put that aside and recognize that it is the Absolute Good of God present with you that is the power to devour the forces of Absolute Evil, first and foremost being that tyranny over the soul and the spirit and the heart of man.

     We, the Darjeeling Council, assembled in this hour of summer solstice, do address our chelas worldwide here and in the Spirit. And we summon you (as has been said before but we say it again) to a new birth of freedom - this time to a spiritual birth of freedom.

     I commend you to the seeking of the presence with you of the Holy Spirit. I commend you to a path of devotion. I commend you to the path that has always worked for those who have truly and sincerely applied it just as Jesus taught it: prayer and fasting, sacrifice and devotions, prayers to God and service to the poor and the meek. This is the path of the balancing of karma, putting on the consciousness of God day by day, being the instrument of the flow of the mighty River of Life.

     This is the message of the discipleship of the teenager Jesus who went to find his teacher Maitreya, who went to sit at the feet of Buddha who had come and gone five hundred years before his journey. He came to sit at the feet of those masters who had gone on before him. And he stopped at Luxor to be initiated in the first steps of the initiation temple, when he could have been accorded the full mantle of the Master of that temple.17

     Jesus gave obeisance and deference to the order of hierarchy. And this you see well-recorded in scripture in the hour of his transfiguration - the Father and the Son ordaining the presence of the ascended master Moses, the presence of the ascended master Elijah. They talked with Jesus, they spoke with him! Ascended masters spoke with the unascended Son of God; and his disciples Peter, James, and John were witnesses and they wrote of it.18 And it is set forth in the Gospels.19

     This is the example that is unmistakable of the chain of hierarchy. It illustrates that there were some who ascended and were in heaven with God before Jesus - such as Enoch, who walked with God and was not, for God took him.20

     Thus, the ancients who went before were taken up by God. Thus you realize that the path Jesus followed was never an exception, was not something unique and exceptional where one life should atone for the sins of the many,21 but the example of what had been done again and again and again - always the avatar coming to give to the disciples on earth the example that there is a way out of death and hell and the round of suffering. There is a way of self-transcendence. Death is not the end of life.

     And in the parting of the veil in that hour it is well to be prepared, to have woven the Deathless Solar Body which is referred to by Jesus as the wedding garment. And he said to that one who came into the marriage feast, "Friend, how camest thou in without the wedding garment? Bind him, hand and foot, and cast him into outer darkness!"22

     The wedding garment is the spiritual body that you weave with the Word and the Work of God. It is the fiery aura of the saints, and it is the means of transporting the soul to those octaves of light whence you descended into this lowly estate of flesh, as it is put - and to which you shall return.

     Beloved ones, the prayer "Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven" is the prayer of the saints who would bring that rarefied light of the etheric octave into the physical, who would bring to this earth plane a Utopia perhaps - a new world, a New Atlantis, a way of life that can exceed this one, where people can be free from pain and terminal diseases caused not alone by their karma but caused by the chemicals, the impure foods, the substances they take in - a world free from war and the eruption of violence from the bowels of those whose free will has been used to commit them to a path of error.

     And error leads to unreality. And unreality leads to insanity. Thus, the insane stalk the earth taking innocent life. The insane take the life of the unborn and call it woman's right. Woman's right to murder her child! Is she liberated? No! She is enslaved to a pain that gnaws within her for the rest of her life and in future incarnations until it is resolved.

     Offering liberty, they sow corruption - corruption of the spirit and the soul and not of the body. And this is why the dangers of this age are so great. And this is why I say it is the greatest moment in all history for each and every one of you to make your statement and to establish that contact with God which all who have gone before you have made, and thereby become instruments of Light and spiritual power and healing and the holding of the balance of nations.

     The overwhelming proof is on the side of the path of discipleship. It has a consistency over tens and thousands of years. You will not find any difference, save perhaps in a slight manner of form or ritual, in the paths of the saints East or West. There is no difference in the light of the eye or the shining of the aura or the power of the chakras or the beginning ability of transmutation and alchemy that comes into your life when you begin to invoke the violet flame.

     The consistency of this path, side by side with the absolute inconsistency of the factions of Protestantism, of Catholicism, of Judaism, or of the Moslems who argue perpetually one with the other and remain separated and divided because they cannot agree on the letter! And they have left off from the true Spirit. And even in that spirit of ecumenism, beloved ones, you find that they have not come to the resolution of their doctrine nor have they given to their flocks the power of God to turn the tide of world conditions. One and all, understand the great joy as a child rejoices in his first step, the first word he can spell or read or identify on a sign, the first piece he can play on the piano, or a laurel wreath given at graduation. Understand that the path of achievement - striving, running in the race, winning the gold cup - is a path that mirrors the path of discipleship to all. It is the sense internally: "I have worked, I have mastered - God with me and by his grace. And because I know who I AM and God is with me, I can do these things."

     It's like having it in your pocket. It is something you have done. When and if it should ever be the case that a master do for the disciple what the disciple can only do for himself, the disciple will be just like the child or any of you. The person for whom something is given without responsibility, without effort and work, without inner achievement resents the individual who gives to him that reward without effort.

     Thus, the false pastors who preach create in fact a servile relationship of sinners to a favorite son, and internally and subconsciously it is actually the hatred of Christ that is at work. It is a psychological maneuver of the fallen angels, preaching hellfire and brimstone and enormous fear and an angry God and the promise of everlasting hell and damnation to those who do not repent. These are the preachments of the Devil who has created an alternative religion to the true teaching of Jesus Christ.

     Realize this: that many pastors who are thus indoctrinated are not of an evil bent but have simply followed the party line they have been given and that has been carried on for generations. The proof is in the pudding. The proof is in the action. Where are the results? Where are the results?

     When Billy Graham goes to the Communist world and declares that all is well and Baptists have freedom and they ought to submit to their governments,23 how is all well - when, not having the power to challenge Communism, they decide to give in and recommend that true Christians submit to the brutality that is going on yet today and the persecutions?

     Who will cry out to the living God and take a stand and be willing to be a fool for Christ? ["We will!"]

     Beloved hearts, we look here and there over the face of the earth and truly we declare that those isolated individuals such as Reverend Wurmbrand24 who are determined to tell the true story of torture and torment of Christians - these are they whose voice of Truth will never be denied. The flame of freedom cannot be put out! It speaks in many, many hearts. We are here, summoning the mighty archangels to go forth with their legions of light to cut free those souls who are bound, to cut them free from astral nightmares of demons and discarnates that prey upon the mind and the body.

     Who will take a stand and cry, "Outrage!"? Where are the Christian nations who ought to be standing in defense of the freedom-fighters in Afghanistan? Who of the most liberal and left-wing bent can justify Soviet takeover and destruction in Afghanistan? Who can approve the dropping of toys which when picked up by children maim them for life? Who can defend the system (in the name of Jesus, mind you) that results in the destruction of souls and nations one by one? Who can claim himself a Christian who does not run to their aid and provide that aid that must be had if that nation is to endure?

     What is transpiring upon this planet, I tell you, is the result of the softness of religion itself and a dearth of religious leadership! Thus, we come to give to you our momentum - and the momentum of the Holy Ghost with us - that your fervor for freedom and for the will of God might take you into those avenues of your own choosing and of the leading of your inner self where you can champion human rights wherever you can draw the line, wherever you must draw the line.

     For surely somewhere, some injustice must say to your heart: "I cannot live in the honor and integrity of my soul and allow this injustice to continue! I must take my stand. I must speak. I must inform. I must show that mankind need not go down into this degradation of the denial of the dignity of any man or woman or child anywhere on earth and his freedom to be and to find God!"

     The entire purpose of life is finding God - finding God in yourself and your talents and your calling and your sacred labor - and endowing anything that you do with his Spirit. They may say otherwise, but when it comes down to the depths of the soul, no one in this world is happy until he has made his peace with his God, his I AM Presence. There are many who would deny this, yet are they truly happy? They say they are happy but they have not known the joy of Reality. Many are insane, many are bound, and yet do they take up the path toward God?

     Why don't they take up the Path? Is it because it has been given to them from childhood with such distaste, with such obvious flaw that they have become atheists and agnostics rather than hear the same old bromide Sunday after Sunday? Many people have learned to hate God in the churches because they have never been told that there is an exciting path waiting - the Homeward path that enables you day by day to know the joy of doing more for those in need because more of God is in you.

     Have you ever thought about that - that the churches turn more people away from God, the true and living God, the reality of the way of the cross, the reality of life as it ought to be? I can tell you without equivocation that the doctrines taught in America today in the mainline religions will never afford the people the ability to save this nation!

     Do I preach a particular brand of religion? Nay. The teachings of the ascended masters incorporate the path that the mystical body of God has walked through all eternity. It is not even unique to this planetary system. It is the same descent of the soul unto the grand experiment in freedom and free will, meeting all forces that pretend to be the adversary when the only true enemy is within. And that is the ultimate knowledge: Man, know thyself and know thyself as God, and know that the only foe that can ever overcome in thy life is thine own fear or internal schism or compromise or failure to surrender truly to God.

     Is this a church? I tell you, nay, it is more. It is a movement. It is a revolution back to the fundamentals of every avatar who has launched a path of freedom, developed specifically for the lifewaves or nations or times when they have come. Thus, you find nothing peculiar about saying a Buddhist chant or a Hail Mary or an Our Father or communing with Archangel Michael or speaking to Gabriel - nothing peculiar at all. Well, it was spoken of the Hebrews that they were a peculiar people,25 and what was unique about them was that they knew their God.

     I pray that this trek that you have made as a pilgrimage to our shrine of light, dedicated as the Western Shamballa, will afford you the opportunity for soul searching and that perhaps something we have said or written will be the spark to connect you to that God-potential that has been dormant for aeons.

     It is the quickening that we would convey. It is the native power of God unto you. And it is especially the love of our bands and hosts for you personally as our brothers and sisters. We tarry on earth on behalf of you and millions of others who truly would do better if they knew better, who truly desire to know the Truth, and who persecute many righteous men thinking that they do God service.26

     The path of the violet flame and the spoken Word, beloved, is certainly the path that can lift the accumulated debris of density of the centuries - the covering over of the chakras, the limiting of the human brain because it has lost the impulse of the crystal cord and the flow of light. Mankind do not need to wed the computer to gain superhuman powers, but only to unite with the living Christ.

     I pray every day that this nation and all peoples on earth will not have to come to the knowledge of Truth through adversity, through nuclear war, through economic collapse. I trust you will also pray with me in this wise, for, beloved, the prayer of the righteous - those who use the righteous law, the right use of the law of the science of the spoken Word - availeth much.27

     And thus, let us say:

     Our heavenly Father, we beseech Thee in the name of the saints who have gone before and the precious people of this earth that enlightenment shall come by the might of the archangels, by the interactions of angels and men, and by the Holy Comforter.

     Our Father, we ask you today and every day to bring healing, light, and comfort - peace and the awareness of the enemy of their souls.

     O God, send thy Angel of Faith, Archangel Michael, to their aid! Send that holy one of God that they be not plucked from the screen of life in an untimely manner and therefore miss the opportunity to fulfill their divine plan and to glorify Thee.

     Our heavenly Father, make us stewards of thy grace and thy abundant Life. Make us responsible in caring for the sick and the needy. Give us the understanding heart to walk many miles with our brother.

     Our heavenly Father, we pray for every soul of Jesus on earth - all who are the lovers of his heart, all who truly worship Thee through him even though they have been limited by orthodoxy in some form.

     I call to legions of Truth, and in the name of the Son of God, I, El Morya, call to the twelve legions of angels of the Lord Christ to descend for the rescue of the churches this day that they may be infilled with thy true Spirit and not the spirits of the night that seize their bodies and their chakras, causing them to writhe or dance or jump or scream or weep.

     I demand, as the Chohan of the First Ray, the exorcism of the churches of those foul spirits and the exorcism of every form of demon taunting them away from the true and living Spirit of the Holy Ghost!

     Maha Chohan, enter them now and purge them and let the living fire of true freedom and true worship be upon them. For these are thy hearts, our Father. Cut them free and let them become fierce disciples, taking the true stand for defense instead of advocating the pacifism of the Devil.

     O living Word, as Thou hast written, I, too, have taken my pen this day and I have written my coded message in the hearts of my own. It is my forget-me-not.

     Precious chelas of the will of God, in fervor and faith, fight the good fight and win ground for Reality. Bind unreality and illusion and set the captives free! For it is your calling and your desiring and all of your love fulfilled.

     I remain with you as a mentor on the Path, ever desirous of assisting you, especially in your calls for God-government and the abundant life in the economy.

     In the name of my teacher and friend of light, the Great Divine Director, in the joy of my co-worker Saint Germain, I AM El Morya Khan.


     "The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom."

     This dictation by El Morya was delivered through the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet July 2, 1984, during The Flame of Freedom Speaks, an international conference for spiritual freedom held in the Heart of the Inner Retreat at the Royal Teton Ranch near Livingston, Montana. The dictation and the messenger's teachings on "Discovering the Will of God as the Flame in Your Heart" and on "El Morya's Many Incarnations of Devotion to the Will of God" are published on the 16-cassette Freedom class album (A84120). Also available separately on cassettes B84123, B84124.

47.1  Beloved Lord Maitreya - September 26, 1984

Vol. 27 No. 47a - Beloved Lord Maitreya - September 26, 1984
A Study in Christhood by the Great Initiator
The Mission of Jesus Christ
The Redemption of Twin Flames at Maitreya's Mystery School
"I and My Father Are One!"

     My beloved, I welcome you as I welcomed to my heart long ago the youth Issa, your Jesus, when he came to the Himalayas and touched the fire of Tibet and knew the ancient lamas and found me.28 For I was the one promised and known of him even before birth, as the entire drama of the mission of the avatar of the Piscean age was, of course, premeditated by God and directed from above.

     Sweet Jesus, the strong, when he said to his parents at the age of twelve, "Wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?"29 he spake of the Teacher, the eternal Guru he must go and find. [He must] go to the East and, as all such saints, receive the anointing from the lineage of his descent.

     Thus I unveil to you the real mission of the Saviour, so truly stated by the apostles, for the redemption of the twin flames who took up the path of the Tree of Life in the ancient Mystery School and were turned aside by the cunning of the serpent philosophy, which was the philosophy of the fallen angels who were determined to subvert the Light [of twin flames] and misdirect the great gift of God [to all generations who would come after them].

     The blame, of course, is not upon those two or any in particular, for we ascribe no blame but only the new cycle of opportunity once again to take up the flame of Alpha and Omega, twin flames of the One. Nary a soul gathered here [nor any] on earth this day has not in some form, mostly unbeknownst to him, succumbed to some subtlety of the lie of Serpent. Thus all are in the process of either going forth from the ancient Mystery School or returning thereto.

     Which direction are you walking in, beloved? In this hour, of course, you have come to my heart. And I take the opportunity by the lodestone of my heart to realign you with the polestar of your own being and thus nevermore to go out in fancy or fantasy of those dark ones with their histrionics and madness and flattery and pleasantries and endless chatter.

     Thus, the mission of Jesus was to go back to Eden, yet the Motherland was long gone. [Therefore he came to Shamballa.] And he came to the ancient repository of the tablets of Mu and the writings of Maitreya and Gautama and Sanat Kumara. He came for the redemption of those who had been turned aside [from the law of the Divine Mother] and to restore [to them] the [true] path of discipleship [under the Cosmic Christ].

     Such a perfect one was he that the Ancient of Days determined that as much of the path of the Mystery School as the Great Law would allow should be demonstrated by example in his mission. The testing of that mission and his ability to sustain those initiations in [the] outer [world] were the subject of our training sessions during his eighteen years in the Orient.

     A student, yea, a scholar and a sage he became, passing through the schools of preparation and receiving from my heart the empowerment of Gautama and Sanat Kumara to return to the scene of the darkest karma on planet earth, none other than Palestine, the crossroads of the Middle East, the place of the Mother and the place of grave darkness and movements of many lifewaves and evolutions who had been pitted against the living Word on their own home stars and so continued that momentum in that era and time.

     Thus, the greatest Light is sent to the darkest corner to expose, to accuse by way of isolating error that all may choose the right, the left, north or south, east or west. You know direction is everything, beloved, and the all.

     Jesus, the Master, love of my heart! Indeed, I am the Teacher who lived to see the pupil exceed his own teaching. It must always be so. For this is the purpose of the conveyance of the mantle, that the Light of the pupil multiplied by the Guru should exceed the former as well as the latter. And greater works30 by the living Word should be the new fruit of the Tree of Life that increases in Power and Wisdom and Love with each succeeding two-thousand-year dispensation.

     Thus, beloved, Pisces has passed and is passing; and the dregs of her karma have been upon you for a number of years with great burden to humanity. I have scarcely seen Kuan Yin these years without the single tear in the eye of the Mother's sensitivity to the pain of the world.

     Kuan Yin, Kuan Yin! O Light of Asia, Light of the Eternal One! Feminine form of the Buddha, we bow before thy Bodhisattva vow. And because thou art, we too are encouraged by the visible sign of the Universal Woman, Mother ever present in the Lady of Mercy.

     My beloved, with what great joy I receive you here as I received the youth Jesus! For the dispensation is truly opened and I may begin anew, taking those who have apprenticed themselves before the Darjeeling Master and Saint Germain and the Great Divine Director, those who have disciplined themselves by the Law of Love before the living Christ.

     Indeed, indeed, you must acknowledge him the Saviour of your life, for he is! He restored to you the contact with your own Christ Self and [he] is here today to increase that spark or even ignite it again if, by your words and your works, you may be rotated one hundred and eighty degrees to face the living Son of God. If you cannot see the Saviour in him, I cannot teach you; there is nothing else. He has taught my teaching. I would take you from [that level] and beyond. You can never save so much as a bumblebee if you do not see the glory of that life.

     Come now. Let the fears and rationalizations, let the materialistic ideas of God, let all of the complaining concerning the mission and life of Jesus cease! For he was and is God incarnate, truly in the unique sense that God raised him up as the example but never in the exclusive sense that all could not follow in his footsteps.

     Take this to your heart with humility and not with pride. Some forget they must tear down before they can build and go to the subbasement level and bury their pride and bury their ambition and bury their dead and follow me.31

     I AM Maitreya come again. The cycles move with great rhythm. Vast ages turn and the door opens. Thus I tell you as the headmaster of the school32 that I am truly ensconced, and physically so, by the grace of this body33 loaned to me. And I commit myself to your heart as God has committed himself to me, that I will deliver to you in these months and years and decades, truly, the personal teaching that is the requirement for you not merely for the ascension but for the highest attainment of your soul prior to that ascension whereby the gift of [your] attainment might be the offering on the altar of humanity.

     I call for spiral rings of devotees around the central sun of my delivery. I call for the perception and the recognition of the import of this land and of the Community of Glastonbury and the absolute necessity for the physical Place Prepared [to be established in order for my Mystery School and the Teachings of the Cosmic Christ to be bequeathed to the Lightbearers of the world in perpetuity]. Having gained the land, you must now keep it. Keep it, I say! Defend it. Conquer it. Subdue it. Master it. And let it by your hand fructify, multiply, and produce the harvest of nourishment for the devotees of Maitreya.

     "I and my Father are one" [is] the mantra of the protection of the Guru-Chela relationship that I gave to him, the Son of man. I and my Father are one! When you speak these words, the lineage of your [Ascended] Masters is with you, the Electronic Presence of Jesus is upon you, your own I AM Presence and Christ Self [are there], and I AM instantly there. For Jesus would have you call him "Brother" and me "Father." And I agree, for it is a reminder that he is not so far above you but at your side, even though many of you have known him as Father.

     Thus, you see, the "I and my Father are one" mantra is actually a call. It is a call you may give in time of danger, chaos, confusion or accident or illness or any need, as long as you have the perception that the Call cannot and will not fail and as long as you have the understanding of who is Father. The Lord God Almighty is Father and his emissaries to whom he has given the mantle of his I AM Presence to teach mankind are Father. Thus the "I and my Father are one" mantra uses the I AM name to confirm the bond of our oneness.

     By cosmic law I cannot fail to answer the call of this mantra. The only variation in my answer is in your vibration. For though I may be with you, you may not feel it until you have quelled the turbulence of your emotions. Thus, our oneness becomes ever closer as you put on the likeness of the image of the Father that I would bequeath to you.

     My beloved sons and daughters, it is truly a new era. Jesus is taken down from the cross, I am taken down from the cross; for the long night of separation from teaching mankind directly is truly past. The Mother is taken down from the cross and you also are taken down from the cross.34 And the world itself, as the new birth, as the cross of karma in Aries, is held in balance by the causal bodies of the saints.35

     Thus, with regularity and the rhythm of the cycles the teaching shall be a personal one. Though [given] to many hundreds and then thousands, it will always be directed to the individual [who is] present [in the level of the Cosmic Christ] who directs the Call and receives the answer in many forms.

     The establishment of the Mystery School here enables me to bring closer to the physical octave the mighty aura, the Presence of Lord Gautama Buddha, Lord of the World, whose Flame of Shamballa burns brightly. And I have placed a focus of myself in the lotus posture in meditation upon the mount you call Maitreya Mountain. Thus it is a sign raised up to all the world that in the West the Saviouress is come and the Universal Mother may once again transmit the teaching of Maitreya through her instrument and servant.

     Beloved ones, I remind you of the longing of your soul for your First Love, profoundly expressed in the meditation you have heard, "Un bel di."36 The ancient memory of the perfect love of the soul's union with God has been sought after through the ages. The longing of the soul for Christ, for God exceeds even that for the twin flame.

     The love for the Almighty One and for the completion of the circle of identity is a love, as expressed in that piece of music, [that is] something for which one gives one's life and has no desire to live without. God has not desired anyone to take or lose his life for the loss of any love but rather to seek and find the union with Christ through the union with one's teacher and then the union with the I AM Presence. For only through that Presence can twin flames know the ultimate oneness of the perpetual bliss of Alpha and Omega.

     Hearts united in love on the path of discipleship, families, children, disciples, all a part of the sangha of the Buddha, I speak to you of love and the fulfilling of the need for love through the path to God. And in knowing and finding that love, all other schism within the psyche dissolves and you are at last free to give love perpetually, perpetually and always to those in need who have less love than you and who can be quickened by that Light.

     This is our goal: to make you first disciples, then masters of freedom able to stand in the earth [as] instruments of Saint Germain to lay the firm foundation of the Aquarian age that it cannot be turned back and, having fulfilled the task, the dharma and all, to move to other dimensions where still other lifewaves await your coming and your help.

     Now, beloved ones, I have come not only to converse with you but also for a necessary task. As you bask now in the Light, your four lower bodies are being prepared to receive the initiation of Helios. Not so many hours away is his coming. Angels of Lord Buddha are conveying to you a gentle but powerful Light that your bodies might receive a greater Light and hold it.

     But I must also touch you, beloved. And I would touch you, then, with the jewel so consecrated by the prayer of the first Mother of the Flame, Clara Louise.37 Thus, I am inviting you to come to this altar that I might touch your crown through the Messenger's hand, through this stone, for the step-up of your four lower bodies and soul in preparation for this event of the millennia.

     I request that only known disciples be allowed to attend that event, for we are concerned lest too much Light be a destructive force in the body temples of the uninitiated. I also request that those who are to receive that blessing receive this one. Thus it may be given to those who may arrive in the next day.

     O Light of the Ahura Mazda, O Eternal Light, now exalt and intensify the Flame of the Mother within this focus of a Mother's devotion. By the Mother Flame transmit the fire of the Buddha and seal each one safe and sound in the auric ring of protection of Shamballa.

     The Brotherhood of Shamballa saluteth thee. Welcome, monks and sisters! Welcome, devotees of the heart!

     I AM truly come and I AM with you. And I will not leave off my chair, central in this Ascended Masters' university, until all who have been designated by the Lords of Karma, all who were named last eve at the Royal Teton Retreat in your presence, chelas, have come to this place to receive that instruction and that opportunity for soul liberation.

     Thus we now initiate these sons and daughters and we stand ready for a world to be ready and to hear our call.

     Beloved ones, treasure that which is truly treasure, value that which is of sublime worth, and set your priorities for the remainder of this life.

     I know you now, I knew you then, and I shall know you in the next life, that where I AM ye may be also in the oneness of Love.


     "The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom."

     This dictation by Lord Maitreya was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, July 2, 1984, during the ten-day conference The Flame of Freedom Speaks held in the Heart of the Inner Retreat at Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. [N.B. Bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under the Archangel Zadkiel's direction for clarity in the written word.]


1 Morya El, A White Paper from the Darjeeling Council Table, Summit University Press.
2 See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Lost Years of Jesus, Summit University Press, paperback; "The Lost Years of Jesus," Heart (Spring 1983), pp. 4-13, 110-11.
3 Exod. 17:8-13; Deut. 31:23; Josh. 1; 6; 8:1-29; 10; 11.
4 Gen. 37; 39-41.
5 I Kings 19:16-21; II Kings 2:1-9:3; 13:14-21.
6 Isa. 40:3-5; Mal. 3:1; 4:5; Matt. 3:1-3; Luke 1:13-17, 76; 3:2-6; John 1:22, 23.
7 Matt. 11:10, 13, 14; 17:10-13; Mark 9:11-13; Luke 7:27.
8 Phil. 3:14.
9 I John 2:18, 22; 4:3; II John 7.
10 In the first century B.C., El Morya was embodied as Melchior, one of the three adepts from the East who calculated by astrology the time and place of the birth of the avatar of the Piscean age. " ... We have seen his star in the East and are come to worship him." (See Matt. 2:1-12.)
11 I John 3:1, 2.
12 John 13:23, 25; 21:20.
13 See Taylor Caldwell, The Romance of Atlantis (New York: William Morrow & Company, 1975).
14 Thirty-three centuries ago, Ikhnaton, pharaoh of Egypt (c. 1375-1358 B.C.), introduced a revolutionary monotheism based on the worship of one God, `Aton' - represented in the symbol of a sun disk or orb with diverging rays, each ending in a hand. Ikhnaton believed that everything that lived had its being through the sun's rays and that he himself was the son of Aton. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Ikhnaton: Messenger of Aton, 2-cassette album A8243.
15 Saint Germain, Hierarch of the Aquarian Age, was embodied as Joseph, protector of Jesus and Mary. For more on his incarnations, retreats, and teachings, see Saint Germain on Freedom (Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 20, nos. 31-52), pp. 143-256.
16 John 14:16-18, 26; 15:26; 16:7-15.
17 See Serapis Bey, "The Banner of Humility," Dossier on the Ascension, Summit University Press, paperback, p. 33.
18 Acts of John 90-91; Apocalypse of Peter 4-20 (Akhmim fragment). See M. R. James, trans., Apocryphal New Testament (London: Oxford University Press, 1924), pp. 251-52, 518-19.
19 Matt. 17:1-13; Mark 9:2-13; Luke 9:28-36.
20 Gen. 5:22, 24; Heb. 11:5.
21 Through the coming of the avatar Jesus Christ and the two-thousand-year Piscean dispensation, there was the setting aside of karma for the Lord's disciples and for the planet as a whole until they should attain to the level of self-mastery in Christ whereby they themselves could balance that karma through prayer and good works. In this hour, the karma is increased on the planet because the people of earth are now expected to bear their own burden (i.e., weight) of karma that has been set aside these two thousand years through the grace (Light) of Christ's Presence. As it is written, "Every man shall bear his own burden" (Gal. 6:5), and "Not one jot or tittle of the law (of karma) shall pass till all be fulfilled" (Matt. 5:18).
22 Matt. 22:11-14.
23 In May 1982, evangelist Billy Graham spent six days in Moscow at a Soviet-sponsored conference of "religious workers" against nuclear war. He was reported as saying: "There is a lot more freedom here than has been given the impression in the States, because hundreds, thousands of churches are open." Reverend Graham told the congregation of Moscow's Baptist church that the Lord had given each one "the power to be a better worker, a more loyal citizen. ... In the thirteenth [chapter] of Romans we're told to obey the authorities." During his sermon, which bypassed the subject of religious freedom, a young woman in the balcony displayed a banner that read in English, "We have more than 150 prisoners for the work of the Gospel." She was led away by several plainclothesmen. When questioned about the incident, Graham commented, "We detain people in the United States if we catch people doing things that are wrong."
24 Evangelical minister Richard Wurmbrand - who has been called "the voice of the Underground Church" and "the Iron Curtain Paul" - began a relentless underground Christian ministry when the Communists seized his homeland of Rumania in 1945. He was subsequently arrested and subjected to fourteen years of torture and imprisonment, but never lost his faith nor ceased ministering to suffering cellmates. Today, through his international organization - Christian Missions to the Communist World and its U.S. affiliate, Jesus to the Communist World, Inc. - Reverend Wurmbrand continues to provide spiritual/material relief to persecuted Christians. He has authored eleven books (published in over fifty languages) and has made numerous public appearances exposing the horrors of Communist oppression. His organization carries on a determined campaign to distribute Bibles to Christians in Communist countries, convert leftists and Communists to Christ, and educate the free world as to the dangers of Communism. See Richard Wurmbrand, Tortured for Christ (Glendale, Calif.: Diane Books, 1969), available through Summit University Press, paperback.
25 Exod. 19:5, 6; Deut. 14:2; 26:18, 19; Pss. 135:4; Titus 2:14; I Pet. 2:9.
26 John 16:2.
27 Jas. 5:16.
28 See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Lost Years of Jesus.
29 My Father's business. Luke 2:41-52.
30 Greater works that these shall he do. John 14:12.
31 Follow me. Matt. 8:22' Luke 9:59-60.
32 Maitreya's Mystery School was established at the Inner Retreat on May 31, 1984, as announced by Jesus. The presence of Lord Maitreya at the Inner Retreat has been continuous since then. Summit University levels one and two were sponsored by Lord Maitreya, winter quarter 1979 and levels one, two, and three at winter quarter 1985.
33 the body of the Messenger
34 in his dictation of April 8, 1984, Serapis Bey announced, "This day the declaration does go forth from God the Father and God the Son that the living Christ Jesus is forevermore taken down from the cross and from the very image of the crucifixion. This day, likewise, so reflected in the earth, the Mother of the Flame is taken down from the cross, nevermore to undergo the crucifixion by the fallen ones. ... Therefore, unto those sons of heaven, and sons in the earth who, with the Mother, have offered themselves to be crucified, to be the gazing stock and the subject of the ridicule of the multitude and the condemnation of the Sanhedrin and all the powers of Rome, we say; The Great White Brotherhood, by the hand of Almighty God, has taken this Church Universal and Triumphant, this Messenger, and these chelas down from the cross." See 1984 PoW, vol. 73, no. 28, pp. 223-24.
35 Dark Cycle in Aries borne by the causal bodies of the saints. See Arcturus and Victoria, July 1, 1984, published in 1989 PoW, vol. 32, no. 15, pp. 156.
36 Prior to the dictation, "Un del di" ("One fine day") from Giacomo Puccini's Madame Butterfly was played.
37 Clara Louise Kieninger was anointed by Saint Germain as the first Mother of the Flame when the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity was founded in 1961. She became Regent Mother of the Flame, which she holds to this day, when the mantle of Mother of the Flame was passed to the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 9, 1966, at La Tourelle, Colorado Springs. Following Lord Maitreya's dictation the Messenger used the yellow topaz ring to bless the crown of each of the devotees in preparation for the coming of Helios, Clara Louise Kieninger wore this ring, blessed by the Maha Chohan, in her daily prayer vigil with Mother Mary for the youth of the world and the incoming children until October 25, 1970, when she passed on in Berkeley, California, and her soul ascended to heart of God.