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Chapter 43
Beloved Gautama Buddha - October 26, 1980

Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1980
Inspired in
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

43  Beloved Gautama Buddha - October 26, 1980
    43.1  Elizabeth Clare Prophet - October 26, 1980

Vol. 23 No. 43 - Beloved Gautama Buddha - October 26, 1980
Wesak Address 1980
The Sign of the Rising of the New Atlantis

     In my outstretched hand, beloved, I hold a light - the gift of my heart on the occasion of Wesak transferred to my disciples throughout the earth.

     Thus the light in my hand I extend to you. Most gratefully receive it now and take it in your right hand to your heart. For it is to your heart that I, Gautama, vow the gift of Life - Life excelling, Life begetting that Life which is the Eternal within the moment. And the moment is the space between the rhythmic beating of the heart, the moment that is Eternity as the space for the sendings of the light of far-off worlds.

     Thus in this hour of Wesak 1980, we who serve in the level of the Buddha establish stronger ties of light with those who are the emanations of our body. There is a vast clearing of the way, typified in the ultimate sacrifice of Saint Germain and Portia and so many nameless ones who serve, serve, and serve to clear the way for freedom, for souls in freedom. Therefore from Shamballa I say, Welcome to my heart, most beloved. Won't you be seated as I convey to you the very smile of my heart.

     My heart is smiling even though the elements do not always smile in this hour of turbulence. Why, the blessed elementals, who would long to clear a passage for the Mother's coming - even they, without increased violet flame, could not stay the hand of turbulence and wind and vortices of energy. And therefore the delay in her return to this city was one that occurred because of interference with elemental life.1 And elemental life working at maximum capacity could not yet overturn that darkness and the dark ones coming in the persona of the Great Whore,2 thus perverting the light of Sanat Kumara.

     Therefore we recommend as the decade turns, as the dispensations unfold, that Keepers of the Flame consider the pursuit of a scientific understanding of the laws which govern the precipitation of cosmic forces into the dimensions of physical life.

     A respect for the law and the science of the Word will enable you to understand the great necessity for preparation and diligence, foresight and attunement, as El Morya has counseled. Thus your anticipation of the future based on the analysis of the now, taking into consideration past momentums, will enable you to calculate with greater precision that which is coming upon the earth and that which can indeed be transmuted if the sufficient light be invoked and injected into those forcefields that the elementals themselves cannot control.

     In this hour of Wesak, the light that we transfer is a light transparent, a light of closeness, a light of holding you in our heart - a sense in heaven that heaven itself can interpenetrate the strata of the earth through those who have embodied as bearers of the light. We look, then, to sponsor the new birth of lifestreams as well as the incarnation of a number of souls so dedicated to the purposes of our community here.

     We welcome those newly arrived. And we anticipate a multiplication of grace through these precious ones as well as those who are on the way, who are at inner levels, who are summoning the great love of Chamuel and Charity to bring together their parents. In many cases these parents have not even met. And yet souls of light with the inner knowing and the inner keys are well aware of the fusion of their hearts in preparation for the cradle as the great light descends through hearts afire with the gift of God's love.

     Divine plan from the heart of the Great Divine Director is intricate, majestic, crystal, refined, mathematical, musical - and, above all, emanating, pulsating. The divine plan is alive as the integration of souls so attuned to that plan multiplies the possibilities of the plan, increases and gives life to the blueprint of etheric dimensions until that increase is the full manifestation of the flowers of the field, of all of nature resounding, and of hearts who are one.

     Now then, ere the cycles pass, I have come to Camelot. For you have held a vigil in the hour of Wesak, and so it has been held at the sign of the full moon.

     We have anchored our flame of Wesak through the messenger in the city of New York, in the city of London - twin cities of the all-seeing eye of God holding the vigil of the watch of Atlantis to rise again - rising again for the judgment, for the transmutation, and for the rising of the souls, themselves buried in the cataclysm, buried in the debris of records of centuries of their personal and planetary karma.

     One of the great tragedies in the sinking of that continent was the very burying of the souls in records that in this age must be transmuted ere these souls that were a part of that civilization may rise. And it is their rising which is the sign of the coming of the New Atlantis. It is the raising up of the flame of the true sons of God.

     Therefore the waiting and the holding back of the raising up of that record has been for the purpose of the preparation of many souls who could not only receive the light that should be forthcoming but who could keep the vigil on both sides of the Atlantic of the darkness that must be raised perforce for the light also to be raised.

     This darkness oncoming represents the darkest cycles of Great Britain and the United States, even of Europe and this entire hemisphere, whereas the greatest light that is also appearing represents to you who know of the vast records of the retreats of the Brotherhood the coming again of the light held by the masters who also were concurrent in the era that preceded the Great Flood.

     Therefore this hour of turning and of the Dark Cycle3 does represent the acceleration of Atlantean karma throughout the planetary body, placing especially a burden upon the nations in America, in the British Isles, and then in Europe; for these lifewaves living on the very shores of Atlantis are those most closely connected with her past. Now then it is the culture of the Mother that predates Atlantis, going back to the pre-Lemurian golden ages, that does descend, does provide the key through the Holy Kumaras for the acceleration of transmutation and judgment.

     My message to you concerning the returning of the cycles of karma of Atlantis should also tell you that approaching the twelve-year cycle of the Dark Cycle there is a setting back and a going back farther and farther into the records of the earth of that darkness. And there has been a coming to the fore of all records more recent than those of Atlantis. Therefore one can anticipate what sort of records are coming upon the children of the earth - the civilizations of mechanization man and of the fallen ones that were prevalent in those days as well as all manner of misuse of the sacred fire. These things have been coming upon the earth now for a number of decades and in some areas even for centuries.

     Now let my coming in this Wesak be remembered as the announcement that the point of uncovering of vast records of Atlantis is at hand and that much transmutation can and, I am certain, shall be done by dedicated Keepers of the Flame: that if you desire to stop the ungodly manipulation of Life in all of its manifest forms in the earth, you must tackle these ancient records and call for the judgment of the fallen Atlanteans - key individuals working under the Watchers who in their own hearts conspired for the murder of the sons of light in so many ways of manipulation. Understanding this you can observe, measure for measure, parallel conditions in the antediluvian society with those of today.

     My beloved, the joy that we bring is the joy of that which has been rolled back, that which has been accomplished. So often the dark clouds belie the great mystery of the intensification of the Sun in the very midst of my people.

     Thus we say as we measure the ten-year cycle of opportunity4 that much has been won, that all is indeed not lost, and that by the increase according to the golden-ratio spiral - by the very increase in the multitudes of lightbearers and in the few initiates becoming the many - the opportunity, so increased by legions of the seventh ray in the name of Saint Germain and Portia, to stay the hand of destructivity in this decade is widening.

     Yes, the opportunity is widening - widening to greater numbers of receptive souls, widening even as the channels of God's communication to you are also widening, even as the crystal clear stream of your own silver cord is widening.

     We come with hope, though it be a measured hope, measured and watched as we keep the vigil in our watchtower, blessed hearts - hope tempered by a scientific understanding of all that must come to pass, faith adjusted according to the realities of our emissaries, and a charity that includes the penetration of the ruby ray and the binding of those that can be bound according to cosmic law.

     Thus with caution we proceed with joy. With watchfulness and encouragement to you to remain vigilant, we seal you in the sun of Wesak. It is the light of Sanat Kumara released in the heart of the Buddha, released by the heart of the Lords of the Worlds.

     By the light
Lo, the light is come!
By the light
O the light of opportunity
We are one.
We go forth to command,
To set life free,
And to stand in the midst of the congregation
And proclaim the sacred name I AM.

     Lo, I AM the Lord of the World sealing you now in that third eye, widening the place of the cosmic cross of white fire, opening the channels of the very depths of consciousness, opening the very deep - allowing then the rising, the tempered rising of sacred fire from the heart of the earth and sending my legions for the binding of those fallen ones in the pit, for the binding of those conditions of those forms, astral forms within that pit.

     Beloved ones, the very bowels of the earth must convulse and must release darkness and the dark ones, for beneath that very manifestation is the great light of the Sun of Even Pressure. That Sun of Even Pressure, intensifying and releasing the currents of the Great Central Sun, causes the shifting in the earth, the adjustment, the alignment, and even the eruption of volcano. Thus pressing to the surface those surface manifestations of the astral plane, elemental life are clearing the way for the rising of the emanations, the frequencies of the white fire core itself.

     Those who understand the science of this activity will meditate upon the Sun of Even Pressure, will give the mantra to the sun of Helios and Vesta, will see themselves positioned on the surface of the earth - arcing the light of Helios and Vesta, arcing the light of the Sun of Even Pressure, and therefore creating on the surface of the earth within their own hearts the balance of the Great Central Sun Magnet.

     You see, if there is sufficient pressure of light on the surface to balance that which is within, all that appears to be erupting in society and in the earth can be transmuted before it break forth in destructiveness to human life, animal life, to the vegetation, and the very process of the ongoing evolution of a planetary home.

     How glorious, how glorious is the work of the ages! How gloriously I AM present in you now and forevermore.

     Lo, I AM Gautama of the heart of the newborn child.5

43.1  Elizabeth Clare Prophet - October 26, 1980

Vol. 23 No. 43 - Elizabeth Clare Prophet - October 26, 1980
Excerpt from a Sermon at Croagh Patrick, Ireland by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
May 21, 1980
Part I

     ... Now as you know Saint Patrick came here to Croagh Patrick at the conclusion of his life. And the Lord Sanat Kumara took him up into this mountain and gave him the vision of the New Jerusalem.

     As he stood on the mountain, he saw the golden shore of heaven and of the golden age and he saw all of the sons and daughters of God and the children of the light who would come into God's kingdom because of his own path of attainment. He saw this vision of his work beginning the spiral that would culminate on the western shore of the New World in California. It was a mighty vision. And he saw the etheric plane of the saints gathering. Many of us gathered on that occasion in the etheric plane to pay homage to this great light of the Church Universal and Triumphant.

     And so our pilgrimage here to Ireland marks the moment when his vision becomes physical. This is, therefore, a very exciting moment for us - just to be upon this ground, which to us is holy ground. It is like the occasion of Moses being taken up into Mount Sinai to be given the teachings of the law.

     When Moses came down the mountain and he found the children of Israel playing with a golden calf, he broke the tablets. And when he went up again and they were again given, it was a law for a backbiting, stiff-necked, and wayward people - not for the white-fire core initiates. The Ten Commandments that have come down to us as well as all of the laws of living given to the Jews are the laws that constrain and hold back the carnal mind rather than the laws for the initiation of the Christ light because the children of Israel did not demonstrate their preparedness to receive the inner teachings of the sacred fire. And so all God could give them were ways to live by ritual, by law to curtail the human appetites.

     With the coming of the incarnation of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, that grace of the sacred fire, the opportunity to put it on and to become the Christ, was given once again to all of God's children, to his sons and daughters - and through them it would be given to all of the evolutions of the earth. You've heard about the Nephilim, the Watchers, and the godless creation. With the coming of the Son of God there is the opportunity for these fallen ones to elect to bow before Almighty God and his Son and therefore to receive the gift of the threefold flame.

     We are living in the age of the eighth covenant and the eighth dispensation corresponding to the eighth ray. The preceding seven covenants have been opportunities for people to enter the path of initiation and to ascend. Each one of those covenants was broken - beginning with the Garden of Eden all the way through the opportunity of Jesus Christ. The eighth covenant takes in the Book of Revelation - the teachings of Saint Germain for this two-thousand-year cycle, the violet flame, the dynamic use of the spoken Word as God's gift returning to us the power of the Word incarnate.

     This dispensation of the eighth ray is given first to the hundred and forty and four thousand who gather with the Lamb on mount Sion. And the mount Sion is the mount of the I AM Presence where the Lamb is, where Sanat Kumara is embodied in the messenger - the point of contact with the I AM Presence as it was with Moses, as it was with Jesus. So the gift of the Word is given to a white-fire core nucleus - 12,000 as a remnant from each of the twelve tribes. When those 144,000 elect to put on their Sonship, they in turn - by the gift of the Holy Spirit - can transfer the power of conversion to the children of God and then through the children of God to all mankind. ...


1 Refers to the messenger's return to Los Angeles from the Montessori International pilgrimage to the British Isles, including her visits to London and New York.
2 Rev. 17.
3 The Dark Cycle of the return of mankind's karma began on April 23, 1969. It is a period when man's misqualified energy, held in abeyance for centuries, is being released for balance in this period of transition into the Aquarian cycle. April 23, 1980, commenced the twelfth year of the Dark Cycle (initiation under the hierarchy of Sagittarius and their God consciousness of victory).
4 " ... It must be heard by the people of God on earth that the hour is at hand and that the Lord Buddha has extended to you as a people of God one decade for the turning of the tide - one decade from this hour for the spreading abroad of the teachings, for the contacting of hundreds of thousands of souls who will take the teaching and the science of the spoken Word and use it for the salvation of earth. After the decade has passed from this hour there is no guarantee forthcoming from the Lords of Karma or from the Keeper of the Scrolls that the tide can any longer be turned from the fate that has been plotted by the dark ones." Gautama Buddha, "One Decade for the Turning of the Tide: The Great Central Sun Messengers, the Cosmic Christs, and the Buddhas Come Forth," May 3, 1977, in Pearls of Wisdom, (1979), vol. 21, p. 148; cassette B7727.
5 See Gautama Buddha, "I Will Be in the Heart of the Little Child," Release of the Thought Form for the Year 1980: "The Great Symbol of Life Begetting Life," New Year's Eve Address December 31, 1979, in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 23, p. 4; cassette B8016, B8017.