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Chapter 13
Beloved Cyclopea - March 30, 1980

Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1980
Inspired in
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

13  Beloved Cyclopea - March 30, 1980
    13.1  Cyclopea and Sanat Kumara - March 30, 1980

Vol. 23 No. 13 - Beloved Cyclopea - March 30, 1980
The Components of the Capstone

     To the Blessed Who Would See Him Face to Face:

     I come for the thinning of the veil between the inner and the outer experience of the souls of lightbearers. Not to satisfy the ambitions of the worldly minded who demand proof and then scoff at the proof that is given, but to comfort those who mourn the absence of their Lord, "They have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him." All who have mourned the loss of a loved one or a dear friend now departed from the physical spectrum seek the comfort of knowing "He is not here: for he is risen. Come, see the place where the Lord lay!"1

     Heaven is more than a compartment of consciousness where relatives and friends are safely tucked away, awaiting the transition of those who remain yet seeing through a glass, darkly.2 The transition called death is not the gateway to inner sight or even immortality and bliss. It is the mere changing of garments which can afford the soul only that grace which is already garnered within through holy prayer and perpetual communion.

     I AM the advocate of the here and now. The far-off worlds are only so far as you make them. Life's transcendent experiences are meant to be lived in the forever moments of the Presence. And the I AM Presence is the measure of molecules of time and space wrapped in a blanket of eternity.

     Can you experience God today? Then be at peace. You will know him forever. And if you have not found him, I pray thee seek him while there is yet time and space. For this compartment of consciousness is assigned to thee for that self-discovery in him which is so necessary if you are to enter into the next modality of the harmonic spectrum of consciousness.

     Now we ponder the questions some have asked: How do I know when I know the Lord? How do I know that the Lord who appears to me is the God of very gods or some specter out of the house of astral memory? The testing is in the pure stream. Those who seek crystal waters swim upstream to the source.

     One's vision can be no greater than the clarity of one's consciousness. But how does one measure that clarity when all is subjective? The heart of the matter is in the quest. It is never being content to remain where purest devotion is replaced by entertainment and the motives of worship are self-gain.

     Go alone to the mountain, O seeker for truth. There love Him for the sheer sake of loving Him. Ask no favor. Expect no reward. Assume the mode of the humble servant. Demand purification from Life. Seek to become one with the source of comfort. Measure thy heart's quality by the ability to be alone with God, content.

     The opening of the third eye is not the measure of spiritual attainment, but the opening of the heart. The door that is most used is the one that swings wide most easily.

     Those who misuse the third eye pay a not-so-pretty price. Follow them not. Neither follow the heart that is not pure love, but follow the stream instead - that pure life that leads to the source of the I AM Presence. Do not measure your strides each day, but only once a year compare thy footsteps to those of yesteryear. The angel of the Lord watches thy footstep. It is enough.

     The Elohim mince not words. To them the Word is the ultimate power of creation. We measure the law of God manifest in man by the geometry of being.

     Lose thyself in service, but let it be holy service in consonance with the Cause. Serve no man's carnal mind, neither thine own. Watch thy thoughts, trace thy feelings. Know when thou art bombarded by a mind that is not the mind of God. Eradicate selfishness by the violet flame. Be free to swim in the sea of God's being. Worship the Lord in the Real Person of the friend, but never confuse the outer man with the hidden man of the heart3 for this is the pitfall of idolatry.

     If you would see God face to face, then expect to be stripped of all that is anti-God within thee.

     Most men are uncomfortable without the accouterments of the human personality. They prefer their jokes and their mockery to the pure truth that would wither the mask of their hauteur and leave them naked before their friends. Their mockery is as hollow as their bones, and the echo of their own murmurings is a torment to what was once a soul. Their vain talk, each idle word, consumes a portion of soul awareness until the mouse that roared is heard no more and the myopia of a minus vision underestimates and distorts the scale of the elephant's ear.

     We are assembling the components of the capstone - souls who would be fused as one body and become as fixed stars in the firmament of God's all-seeing eye. It has not been accomplished in twelve thousand years except in the ascended master octaves. Let those who identify the self as the servant of God's vision, which crystallizes the creation as above so below, meditate upon the eye and understand the necessity for the single pyramidal stone in matter to cradle the eye of God.

     Who are the lively stones4 who no longer crave separation, apartness, or the wayward independence of the wayfarer, always faring but never finding the way? The Order of the Capstone was known of the Masons and the pyramid builders. Was there once a stone that was destroyed by those who were about to be destroyed by its power, or did the manipulators succeed in preventing its manifestation before it ever crystallized in matter?

     It does not seem to matter now. What matters is that Keepers of the Flame make their vow not only to be the eye of God but to provide the capstone glistening white, a miniature pyramid that must complete the Great Pyramid of lives, of community, of earth's initiatory steps ere the whole foundation can transcend itself and pass through the open door.

     The door that leads to immortality is the door of God's all-seeing eye. Man has found other ways to enter the Great Pyramid, but unless he pass through the open door he cannot enter into the Permanent Atom of Being.

     Now this is the riddle of the hour: If there be no capstone, then there is no door. And if there is no door, how will the children find the way out of the human dilemma?

     Clearly some must be selflessly the rods and cones for the building of the eye and for the sealing of the capstone. Clearly mankind have built a house from which there is no escape, and the grandest monument to the ascension lacks the greatest mystery of all.

     Shall the tireless work of stone on stone and all who have given their lives to build the pyramid, line upon line, now come to naught because those to whom God has brought the sacred vision of the law of self-transcendence fail to fulfill their role to point the way of the appointed goal?

     Life trembles in the cup while the Great Dramatist awaits the coming of the quick who will replace the dead and raise up a sevenfold flame instead of squandering life and sacred fire in diversions of base desire.

     Where is the man who can capture the vision of the capstone and then visualize himself seated in the center by purest love, by crystal stream, by nonattachment to any lesser dream?

     Where is the man who understands at last that if this vision so vast is to be beheld by other men, that he and he alone must give and give the all, that there is no other save the Self that is one's own that can sacrifice and for the sins of all the world atone?

     Where is the man who will look to no other save to the very God within, whose soul is free from struggle and from sin, and place himself unhesitatingly upon the altar of the pyramid saying,

     "Here I am, Lord.
I AM thine eye beholding all of life,
All of cosmos, all of thee.
Love unfolding, life ennobling,
I AM thyself in the center
Of the eye of creation.
I AM in the superior manifestation
Of the spirals ascending and descending,
Creation creating and uncreating,
Life coming and going,
With all love bestowing
Upon each lesser self-awareness
A fuller measure of Beness
Until each lively stone that once did build
The foundation of our Pyramid of Love
Passes through the gate of higher consciousness.
And I, the keeper of the gate,
Am suspended at the nexus of heaven and earth
And all that which is below is now above.
Thus I, too, pass through
Unto the throne of Love."

     Show me the man who can understand the role of the keeper of the gate and I will show you the man whose purest vision, confirmed by action and interaction with God and his flame of immortality interpenetrating mortality, has seen the Lord face to face and not some specter out of the night of astral nonexistence.

     Show me the man who can understand the path and the calling of the Word and I will say to thee: Trust that man. He is a messenger of the light. His experience in the Central Sun confirmed by his devotion upon the One reveals the Crystal Stream, the Source, the Fount. Look into his face and behold the face of the Son of man.

     Behold the emissary of God, the ascended and ascending one. Trust in the Light within his heart. He will take thy soul where you, too, can start to mount the spiral from the base unto the crown until upon your own head the Son of God will place the crown of Life worn by those who have resolved the equation of being in the all-seeing eye of God.

     For fairer seeing I AM the pure stream of purity's light to all.

In the Eye of the Capstone
Come and find me!

     NOTE: For soul progress on the Path and for the simultaneous solution to national crisis in the economy, the messenger recommends a nine-day novena of calls to Cyclopea. Give decree 50.05, "Beloved Cyclopea, Beholder of Perfection," 40 times daily with appropriate intense invocations accompanied by the rituals of violet-flame fiats. Order your own loose-leaf decree book today.

13.1  Cyclopea and Sanat Kumara - March 30, 1980

Vol. 23 No. 13 - Cyclopea and Sanat Kumara - March 30, 1980
THE MYSTERY OF THE CAPSTONE by Cyclopea and Sanat Kumara given at Summit University, March 23, 1980

     ... It is to the Great Pyramid that we direct your attention. And we reveal that the community of the Great White Brotherhood is symbolized in that manifestation and that the foundation of the pyramid that remains is awaiting the capstone.

     The capstone, then, as the all-seeing eye of God that shall not be removed from the earth, is indeed composed of the initiates of the sacred fire. And hear this, my beloved. These initiates, each one placing upon the altar the white cube of the heart, provide the building blocks of that mighty capstone. Because these intitiates have a more than ordinary oneness than all others who have built the pyramid from the foundation to its present manifestation, therefore in the manifestation of the capstone their white cubes become as one single stone, one single capstone.

     This is the mystery of the capstone - that it can never be taken apart. Though it is composed of many stones, these by the alchemy of the Great God become one single stone to hold the all-seeing eye of God. ...

     Why do you suppose, then, that the capstone is missing? It is because, very simply: There has never manifested in this octave a body of souls unascended who could make that pledge of eternal unity, of fusion! Thus, the pyramid remains without its capstone and humanity remain without the light to guide them.

     In our octave, the real meaning of the Great White Brotherhood is that we are one. Every ascended master, every cosmic being has become the white stone - and the fusion of selfhood in God is understood far, far beyond the understanding that you now bear.

     O my beloved hearts, this longing of God for oneness is like the longing of the pyramid for its capstone. Do you understand that God has no reason to not desire the fulfillment and the union of the son and of the daughter? And when you say, "I and my Father are one," you must understand that the Father has already said, "I and my Son are one."

     And therefore, my beloved, if you dare to say, "I and my Father are one," you have begun to climb a ladder that reaches far into infinity - beyond the eye, beyond the understanding. And when you finish climbing that ladder you do not find, as Jack and the beanstalk, the giant that must be slain, but you find instead the capstone - and there the fusion, and there the alchemy, and there the initiation.

     For if you are truly one with the Father, then you are one with all of his Sons in manifestation. And I say to you that that oneness is oneness. And oneness is oneness, and how can you describe oneness except by your experience? I would attempt to make you understand oneness, and yet you do not know the oneness that I know. ...

     Your conceptualization of science tells you that even in the most solid matter there are wide spaces and universes between the atoms within the molecules and between the molecules that make up substance. Therefore, you can visualize this capstone and yourself as an individual atom supporting the molecules that compose this crystalline substance, dazzling white, of this stone. And you can begin to realize that this fusion of your identity is nothing more than your occupation of an office in the cosmic hierarchy whereby you agree to be a fixed star in the mighty cosmos of infinity, occupying the position of your office as a sun center of teeming life, as the manifest presence of the unfed flame for millions of developing evolutions.

     Understand, then, the meaning of the capstone that is the Great White Brotherhood, the capstone that becomes the spiritual cosmos that is set upon the pyramid of the matter cosmos. Understand, then, the exalted freedom that comes from the commitment to be fused into this mighty capstone.

     Beloved ones, see how I have taken you from a limited awareness of fusion with the capstone to the unlimited awareness of cosmic freedom. Therefore, in the ultimate sense, that which appears to be not freedom is the highest freedom that God himself can know.

     Why, my beloved, God is fused to every part of his creation - imprisoned, as it were, in every molecule of life which you call the Spirit/Matter cosmos, heaven and earth. Would you not say, then, that God himself is the ultimate prisoner, the greatest slave, the one bound in chains by the very free will that he has given to the creation to harness the light that is himself? And yet is not God simultaneously the being who is most free?

     Can you truly understand freedom? Dare you walk this path of freedom? Dare you be the follower of Saint Germain? ...

     ... My beloved, the cycles, the rituals, the freedom must be fulfilled. And I AM Cyclopea, and I AM a teacher of science and of truth - especially this science of freedom. Thus the vision I have given to you is a vision of freedom to be the capstone. ...


1 John 20:13; Matt. 28:6.
2 I Cor. 13:12.
3 I Pet. 3:4.
4 I Pet. 2:5.