Urantia Book

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Chapter 5
Archangel Gabriel - February 4, 1979

Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1979
Inspired in
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Archangel Gabriel - February 4, 1979

Vol. 22 No. 5 - Archangel Gabriel - February 4, 1979
Mysteries of the Holy Grail

     Children of the Light of Alpha and Omega,

     The dilemma of good and evil was put to naught by Jesus Christ when he addressed the rich young man who came and said unto him, "Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal Life?" The Master replied: "Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is, God. But if thou wilt enter into Life, keep the commandments."1

     Jesus would not be classified as a good person. No, he would not. He attributed all goodness to the Person of God and the attainment of that goodness through the obedience of the chela to the commandments of the Guru and Lawgiver.

     Pride motivates men's souls in the performance of good works in order that the self may receive a reward from other selves and acquire name and fame, position and prestige. For similar reasons, in a perverted sense, the deranged perform feats of devil-daring, ideological murders, seeking for themselves the headlines of the dailies or a reference in the history books as anti-heroes or prime movers in the mainstream of events.

     A study of the psychology of fanaticism, especially when observed in the outplaying of the psyche over several embodiments, reveals the pendulum swing to the right and to the left of relative good and evil as the extremes of the human consciousness find the individual positioned now with "the good guys," now with "the bad guys," but always on the same rod of energy with the mere change of the dial from plus to minus and minus to plus.

     Human hatred is human hatred, whether it takes the form of malice and premeditated evil or that of human sympathy with the human consciousness. Both attitudes fulfill the goal of the fallen ones: the destruction of souls - whether by the venom of vipers or by the milk of human kindness.

     The personality cults of the day surrounding figures in politics, religion, or entertainment illustrate the game of human sympathy where individuals, incomplete in themselves, build altars to their human gods and sit in circles around their idols, totally identifying with every laugh or tear, trial and triumph, as though they were their own. So intense is their involvement with the idol that the energies of their emotional bodies flow out of themselves and into the personality figure, thus creating the emotional tie through which they can then be hypnotized and controlled.

     This willing consent given by the masses to their soapbox leaders, allowing the latter to live their lives, not only for them but through their energy, can well be labeled the emotional tyranny of the age. It occurs because individuals with a poor self-image derive satisfaction in living their lives through those who present a more colorful self-image, daring to do more `good' or more `evil', as the case may be, than the less polarized, less daring masses they control.

     This relationship of the people to their gods is an obvious imitation of the true Guru-chela relationship wherein the God in the Guru and the God in the chela retain a relationship that is based upon their polarity of the light of Alpha and Omega.

     The Guru represents the God Self, the Spirit, the plus factor of life, and is the Source-emitting sun center receiving from the Above, distributing to the below. The Guru is the activator of Good, the only Good that is God.

     The chela is the passive receiver of that Good. When he receives it, he becomes a portion of the Guru and of the Person of God which the Guru has become. Now the chela (who holds the balance of the negative polarity in relationship to the One Sent) takes on, in relation to other personages in the circle of life, the plus polarity, he himself becoming a secondary outpost of the Great White Brotherhood.

     Thus in the mode of receiving life, light, and consciousness from Above, every part of life sustains the negative polarity of being in relationship to the person in hierarchy who stands above him in the cosmic chain of initiation. Inasmuch as all who have received must become givers of the life that is Good, they, then, in the mode of givingness, assume in turn the role of the plus polarity of Alpha. Thrust and return, thrust and return is the ritual of the givingness and the receivingness of God throwing the warp and woof of a cosmos.

     Now the dilemma of good and evil becomes the drama of Gog and Magog who, because they are of the same genesis of the plus, the minus of the anti-God, destroy one another, hence are self-destroyed.

     What is this human consciousness arrayed upon the human consciousness as dinosaur upon dinosaur, locked in a life and death struggle, pierce and puncture one another until their mutual viciousness is spilled upon the ground? Not as the spilling of the blood of a Christ upon Golgotha, theirs is the blood of martyrs which they have drunk as their own death potion (though they know it not).2

     Unto Clare of Assisi the Saviour Jesus Christ gave the Sacred Eucharist for the turning back of the hatred of the Saracens upon themselves.3 Thus, through the Body and Blood of Christ present in the sons and daughters of Alpha and Omega is the judgment of the nations come, and the Light of the One confounds the light and darkness in the relativity of the human consciousness.

     Saint Germain sets forth the strategy of Armageddon: It is to allow the forces of relative good and evil to array themselves, one against the other, and to cancel each other out while the Lamb, as the Word incarnate, is with the hundred and forty and four thousand who sing their new song,4 giving dynamic decrees unto the day and unto the night. This precipitates the gently falling manna that angel ministrants place upon the tongues of God's children as his Body becomes their body and his Blood, as Spirit's light, becomes their blood.

     They have lost their leader, these fallen ones. Lucifer is no more.5 They have no rallying point save the ebb and tide of their own aggressions. Let the Communist regime of Cambodia's Pol Pot destroy and be destroyed by the Communist Vietnamese as column upon column of the black ants invade the territory of the red ants in this Communist game of checkers wherein each side, drugged by their own hatred of the Light and drunk with the blood of martyrs whom they have murdered by the millions, is too insensate to know that Death itself speaks from both ends, playing them against the middle, when they say, "We pledge to fight them to the end."6

     This is a mini war of Gog and Magog, of the sympathetic Communism of the Soviet Union in polarity with the malicious Communism of Red China. Yes, each assumes from time to time the polarity of the other in the plus/minus exchange. It is only the dance of the most unfortunate advance, swinging partners right and left but always returning to the point of origin that is Anti-Light.

     These factions of the tares live off the wheat, you know. Let the children of the light beware! Let them withdraw their supplies, manpower and matériel, their technology, taxes, trained experts, and tender loving care from the Gogs and Magogs West and East. Their principalities and potentates are everywhere positioned, vying for the power of the Son of God.

     Don't you see through, little ones, the power plays of a secretary of state and a national security adviser?7 Don't take sides, for neither one will win. Now learn your lesson well: human good and evil will never out. Only Truth will triumph over sin.

     While everywhere the power plays go on among the spiritually wicked in high places8 and they volley for financial empires built upon the souls of people - who are guilty in part, for they have played their game of the personality cult from the start - the Son of God in the Son of man stands unmovable as the Rock, still waiting to receive all who will receive him in purest light.

     While the representatives of capitalist nations consider it their duty to arm and rearm the beasts who prey upon the children of the light, those very children, for whom the fallen ones show only a scurrilous scorn, drink the communion cup of the Lamb and eat the Bread of Life that is his Body. They are awakening to their own Sonship which he has won for them upon the true cross of Alpha and Omega.

     One by one they shall emerge the champions of the international power play, and then the members of the pleasure cult too late will awaken in dismay. Emboldened by their madness, the unquenchable thirst for pride of power, they will have overplayed their hand and the forces of Light will in God Victory assume command.

     Let the strategy of Saint Germain be known, and let the wise ones be readied for their role. Let the true shepherds of the people be positioned on the stage of life continent by continent in the Person of Good.

     Let them give their energy to God alone and to his Lamb, as the children of the light are made one through the Body and the Blood, the Omega and the Alpha, of the Lamb.

     Let them withdraw all life and light, energy and consciousness from the Adversary and his cults of sin and death in which he has engaged the wicked of the world - from those who are right to those who are left - for neither one will enter into Life but they that keep the commandments of their God.

     I AM









Volume 22, Number 5, footnote 5. Isaiah 14:12. Before the Great Rebellion, Lucifer (Latin, "light-bearer") had attained to the level of archangel; but through his ambition, pride of the ego, and defiance of the laws of God, he fell from grace and lost his title and office. On April 16, 1975, Lucifer was bound by Archangel Michael and taken to the Court of the Sacred Fire on the etheric plane of the God Star Sirius, where he stood trial before the Four and Twenty Elders over a period of ten days. The testimony of many souls of light in embodiment on Terra and other planets and systems were heard, together with that of the ascended masters, archangels, and Elohim. On April 26, 1975, he was found guilty of total rebellion against Almighty God by the unanimous vote of the Twenty Four and sentenced to the second death. As he stood on the disc of the sacred fire before the court, the flame of Alpha and Omega rose as a spiral of intense white light, canceling out an identity and a consciousness that had influenced the fall of one third of the angels of the galaxies and countless lifewaves evolving in this and other systems of worlds. Many who followed the Fallen One in the Great Rebellion have also been brought to trial. The ascended masters teach that prior to the final judgment at the Court of the Sacred Fire and the second death, there is a daily judgment weighing each individual's actions, words, deeds, and integrity. It is a sifting process activated by the chastening love of the LORD whereby the individual learns to choose between right and wrong. For further instruction by the ascended masters and the messengers on the judgment, see: Mark L. Prophet, "The Alchemy of Judgment," on 8-cassette album Sine Wave to the Sun (A8165); Saint Germain, "The Opening of the Temple Doors VI," in The Seven Chohans on the Path of the Ascension, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 16 (1973), pp. 63-64; Alpha, "The Judgment: The Sealing of the Lifewaves throughout the Galaxy," and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, "Antichrist: The Dragon, the Beast, the False Prophet, and the Great Whore," in The Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History, and Religion of America, pp. 234-37, 239-49, and on 8-cassette album Shasta 1975: A Conference for Spiritual Freedom (A7524); Vials of the Seven Last Plagues by the Seven Archangels, in paperback and in El Morya on Discipleship East and West: The Path of the Darjeeling Master and His Chelas, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 18 (1975), pp. 177-262; Elizabeth Clare Prophet, "Admonishments of the Seven Archangels on the Judgment of the LORD," on 8-cassette album New Age Discipleship (A7662); Elizabeth Clare Prophet, "Idolatry and the Fiery Trial," on 8-cassette album Feast of the Resurrection Flame Album 1 (A8116); Jesus Christ, "The Final Judgment of Satan," in Kuan Yin Opens the Door to the Golden Age: The Path of the Mystics East and West, Book I, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 25 (1982), pp. 187-96, and on 8-cassette album The Class of Elohim (A8204); Elizabeth Clare Prophet, "The Acceptance and the Rejection of the Living Christ," and the Maha Chohan, "The Fiery Trial," in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 26 (1983), pp. 393-428, and on 16-cassette album Conclave of the Friends of Christ (A83063); Jesus Christ, "The Second Advent: `The Day of Vengeance of Our God,"' in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 26 (1983), pp. 511-19, 521-34; and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Forbidden Mysteries of Enoch: The Untold Story of Men and Angels. For an understanding of the science of the Judgment Call, see Elizabeth Clare Prophet, "Disciples Empowered with the Energy of the Word," on 8-cassette album Energy Is God (A7700); Jesus Christ, "They Shall Not Pass!" in Spoken by Elohim: For Contact with the Inner God, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 21 (1978), pp. 165-67; Archangel Raphael, "The Archangels Stand Up for the Deliverance of the People," on 6-cassette album The Second Coming of Christ, Album II (A7842); Elizabeth Clare Prophet, "Sanat Kumara's Teaching on the LORD's Ritual of Exorcism," on 8-cassette album A Retreat on the Ascension - An Experience with God (A7953); Elizabeth Clare Prophet, "The Prophecy of Malachi: The Holy Spirit as the Messenger of the LORD Who Sounds the Judgment in the Temples of the Sons of God," on 8-cassette album The Call of Camelot (A8037); Saint Germain, "The Watchman of the Night," in A Prophecy of Karma to Earth and Her Evolutions: From the Last Days of Atlantis to the Present Era, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 23 (1980), p. 332; Archangel Gabriel and Hope, "Sendings of the Sacred Fire," in Where the Eagles Gather, Book I, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 24 (1981), pp. 104-9, and on 8-cassette album The Class of the Archangels (A8100); Cyclopea, "The Personal Path of Christhood" and "Unto the Watchman of the House of Israel," in Kuan Yin Opens the Door to the Golden Age, Book II, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 25 (1982), pp. 394-414, and on 8-cassette album Freedom 1982 (A8284); Jesus Christ, "The Awakening of the Dweller on the Threshold," in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 26 (1983), pp. 383-91, and on 16-cassette album Conclave of the Friends of Christ (A83063); and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, "Christ and the Dweller," in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 26 (1983), pp. 429-54.


1 Matthew 19:16, 17.
2 Matthew 23:34-36; Luke 11:49-51; Revelation 16:6; 17:6; 18:24; 19:2.
3 Saint Clare of Assisi's special devotion to the Holy Eucharist saved her convent at San Damiano from a group of Saracens in the army of Frederick II who were on their way to plunder nearby Assisi c. 1240. As the soldiers scaled the convent walls, Clare rose from her sick bed and, according to one account, had the Blessed Sacrament set up in view of the enemy - prostrating herself before it and calmly praying aloud (other versions of the story state that Clare herself held up the Sacrament while facing the infidels). At the sight of this, the advancing soldiers were suddenly seized with terror and took flight. Not long after, a larger group led by one of Frederick's generals returned to attack the town. Clare and the nuns prayed fervently through the day and night that Assisi might be spared. At dawn, a furious storm broke over the army's camp, scattering their tents and forcing them to flee in panic.
4 Revelation 14:1, 3.
5 Isaiah 14:12 [4]
6 Frequent border conflicts in 1977 and 1978 between Cambodia and Vietnam, enemies for centuries, escalated when the Vietnamese and a small group of Khmer Rouge rebels invaded Cambodia in December 1978. In early January 1979 it was reported that five columns of Vietnamese troops with thousands of guns and tanks were moving deeper into the country threatening to topple the regime of Cambodia's Prime Minister Pol Pot, who declared in a January 5 radio broadcast, "We pledge to fight them to the end to keep our national prestige." By January 7, the Vietnamese had taken Cambodia's capital, Phnom Penh, replacing Pol Pot with the Hanoi-backed People's Revolutionary Council (see chapter IV, n. 19, pp. 343-44).
7 Differences between President Carter's secretary of state Cyrus R. Vance and White House national security affairs adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski grew into a visible power struggle during 1978 over who would have the upper hand in directing the nation's foreign policy. For the most part, the feud centered around the best approach to Soviet-American relations. See Rowland Evans and Robert Novak, "Brzezinski Calls the Foreign-Policy Shots," Washington Post, 7 June 1978; Tad Szulc, "The Vance-Brzezinski Squabble," Saturday Review, 8 July 1978, pp. 18-19; Jack Anderson, "Brzezinski-Vance Feud Bubbles," Washington Post, 25 July 1978; Martin Schram, "The Ascendancy of Cyrus Vance," Washington Post, 6 August 1978; Norman Birnbaum, "Vance, Brzezinski and Kojak," The Nation, 3 February 1979, cover page, pp. 99-100; and Jack Anderson, "Brzezinski Tactic on Cuba Irks Vance," Washington Post, 13 December 1979.
8 Ephesians 6:12.