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Chapter 6
Archangel Zadkiel - February 6, 1977

Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1977
Inspired in
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Archangel Zadkiel - February 6, 1977

Vol. 20 No. 6 - Archangel Zadkiel - February 6, 1977
None Shall Escape the Chastening Hand
Part I

     Hail to thee, O light! - light that is the eternal Christos of life, that is the life of God, the All-in-all. I AM Zadkiel of the flame! I come to deliver that violet-flame action to America called forth by souls of light, called forth by the prayers of the faithful throughout this land who are gathered in the churches and in their homes, making supplication unto the LORD God for the deliverance of this nation.

     I speak to the humble of heart and those who have the true communion of the saints. I speak to those who are already caught up in the rapture of love that is the coming of Christ the LORD, to come and to gather the true Church into the heart of the living God. I speak to souls who have the vision of the New Day, souls to whom the light of God has been given. I speak forthrightly as the Archangel of the Seventh Ray. I speak to you today concerning the price of freedom, concerning that which is abroad in the land. I speak to you concerning the coming of the judgment that brings with it the return of karma, and that karma coming for transmutation in the fires of the Holy Spirit.

     There must needs be an acceleration of light for the acceleration of the return of darkness that the days might be shortened for the elect.1 I come, then, with legions of violet-flame angels to reinfuse the earth with the light of freedom which we have delivered from the West unto the East,2 greeting the coming of the sons and daughters of God out of the East and unto the West.3

     I come for the fortification of freedom, and I come as an emissary of the Lords of Karma. I come to you that you, America, might understand why there is come upon you, then, this cold that is abroad in the land in the East Coast, and the intensity of that cold taking life and compromising the normal way of living. It is that very coldness that is the hardness of men's hearts toward God. It is that icy coldness that mankind have turned unto the living God and unto the souls aborning in the wombs of mothers on earth.

     I speak, then, of the widespread practice of abortion, the aborting of life as fathers and mothers have turned a deaf ear to the cries of the unborn child. This, then, is the returning karma. It is exactly that coldness and that hardness of heart which you have put forth against these souls of light and these children of God, even where there has been the collaboration of parents and doctors who have determined that incoming children with defects ought not to have the opportunity for life. And therefore, they are left without care, even in the hospitals, that they might die because they ought not to have the right to live.

     It is a very sad day in the land, for America has led the world in this infamy and in accepting the lie of the fallen ones in the control of population. I tell you, precious hearts, America, then, must bear the burden of this karma, and this type of weather that is upon the people is only the beginning of the returning of that karma, because the people have not heeded the Word of the archangels or of the true prophets in the land.4

     Let it go forth, then, that Word which I send this day, that people of every faith and every understanding may at least have contact with that Word and with that message. For the spirit of prophecy is the spirit of warning, and it is the warning unto the people that they ought to be obedient to God if they expect to be blessed and protected by God in this the land which the LORD thy God hath given thee.5

     There is, then, the karma for the aborting of that life which is God, but there is karma also for the giving of life and energy to the enemies, the professed enemies of the Christ throughout the planetary body. And there has been, then, the wholesaling of America, of her technology, and of the American dream unto the fallen ones in every nation, and the sharing with those who ought not to have it of those discoveries that have been dispensed by the Lords of Karma for the protection of freedom in this age.

     I speak, then, directly to the soul of the president of the United States and of every member of Congress and all who are influencing these representatives in government. I speak and I send forth the ray of Almighty God, and I send forth the Word that this nation must be protected, and there must not be compromise in any way for the protection in all planes of consciousness for the Christ appearing, for the community of lightbearers, and for the New Jerusalem.6

     America must be defended at every level of consciousness. The youth must be defended against impure drugs, and America must defend that youth by challenging the Mafia and their trafficking in drugs; and there must be the challenging of the fallen ones in their proliferation of substances which are distinctly anti-Christ and an invasion of the body temple.

     Souls of America, I speak to you! I send forth the light of freedom and the ray of the violet flame that you might receive this message simultaneously, that you might know in your hearts and in your minds that those atrocities that are performed against the souls of the children in the insane manifestations of pornography in the motion picture industry, both American motion pictures and those which are imported from abroad - this must be stopped! And unless it is stopped, then I say, again the judgment is upon this nation, and the karma for the opening of the bottomless pit7 to these innocent souls must be borne by those who know better, and even knowing better, do not do better.

     Precious ones, it is one thing to know not the law; it is another when God, the LORD God himself, speaks in the voice of conscience and in the hearts of the people and the people ignore the voice of God. And they turn to the Word of God and to the voice of God that icy cold hardness of heart that is symbolically upon the people in this hour.

     I speak to you who have some inkling of an understanding of the angelic hosts and of the archangels' appearance to earth. I speak to you of the very real presence of the emissaries of the LORD among this people. I tell you that the archangels are walking up and down across this nation - north and south, east and west - speaking to the people, exhorting the people as the prophets of old. And even when they hear and know and see, even then they find the excuses to interpret that Word according to their own relative point of view.

     Let the churches be cleansed! Let those who have been elevated to positions of ministers of the Word who are unclean in their personal lives then be judged and be removed. And let those who are carrying the tradition of Sodom and Gomorrah into the churches, let them also be judged this day. I speak, then, of the misuses of the sacred fire which occurred in those twin cities, and therefore the destruction of those cities of the plain.8 I call forth, then, the light in the hearts of the people to manifest this law and this judgment and to not be concerned to give forth the Word and the teaching and to challenge the forces of unrighteousness.

     I speak to those who are in the government and in the churches who have not the backbone, then, to challenge when a challenge is due, but those who smile and continue to smile while the enemy is duping the people because there is that false concept of collaboration and consolidation with the fallen ones who have sworn their consciousness against the Christ from the very beginning of the Great Rebellion.

     These fallen ones are present in every nation and in every government; and therefore, it is the people, the people themselves who contain the threefold flame within their hearts, who must rise up in defense of the Christ consciousness. I say, no more let this people sit back and say, "We cannot. We do not have the power." The LORD God is the power! He is the strength. He is the wisdom. He is the Word. He will give to you the deliverance of this nation and every nation if you will move forward without compromise and without concern for your lesser selves.

     The lesser self is but a shell, and that flame that is upon the altar of that lesser self may well be withdrawn in an untimely manner as those who ought to represent the temple of our God misuse that temple. See, then, that you do not let the flame escape, or the Holy Spirit escape, from your life. And if, perchance, that dove of the Spirit has flown from your house, then call it forth and call it back to come into that temple and to be the kindling fire; for that quickening Presence is the life, the only real life of God on earth.


     Note: The above dictation by Archangel Zadkiel was dictated to the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet in Pasadena, California, on January 30, 1977 (12:55-1:17 p.m. PST). It will be concluded in next week's Pearl of Wisdom.


1 Matt. 24:22.
2 On July 3, 1976, at Higher Consciousness in Washington D.C., Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst released the seven vials of the violet flame. The release of these vials - to occur when mankind had invoked enough of the sacred fire to warrant their release - was announced by Archangel Zadkiel in November, 1975 when he poured out the seventh vial of the seven last plagues. See chapter 13 of Vials of the Seven Last Plagues: The Judgments of Almighty God Delivered by the Seven Archangels, published by The Summit Lighthouse.
3 Matt. 24:27.
4 See Vials of the Seven Last Plagues.
5 Deut. 25:19.
6 Rev. 3:12; 21:2.
7 Rev. 9:1-2.
8 Gen. 13:13; 19:24-25.