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Chapter 33
Saint Germain - August 14, 1977

Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1977
Inspired in
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

33  Saint Germain - August 14, 1977

Vol. 20 No. 33 - Saint Germain - August 14, 1977
The Grand Adventure
Part 2

     There are many things about your lives that we do not dictate, for this is your world and your day - we have had our own. We rather insist that we shall stand sort of as godfathers in the wings of the stage while you act out the drama per se and perform those acts that are calculated to bring you your own deliverance, for this is your time upon the stage and you are the players on the boards. Make a good job of it and do a good job for your own beloved ascended master Jesus, for your own Holy Family, for the family of nations.

     For we love the world and we would gladly, many years ago, have formed the United States of Europe. But of course that plan was aborted and was destroyed, and the French Revolution ensued, and conditions that came about were the destruction of some of you in this very room whose heads rolled from the guillotines of France.

     I call this to your attention that you may understand that you have a little more than ordinary involvement in these matters, for many of you have been engaged in early episodes in American history. Some of you stood with George Washington at Valley Forge. You were able to understand then from a firsthand standpoint just what it means to be without clothing and with naked feet walking across the cold and snows with the oppressing army everywhere at hand and all of the powers and might of merrie olde England arrayed against you.

     Yet you survived all of that, and the nation survived it, and there was a birth of a nation and America came forth. The plains and mountains were dotted with little communities and people have sprung up everywhere and the population is increasing. And in the midst of all of this increase and drawing togetherness, America has become destroyed. For contrary to what popular opinion may espouse or think of America, there is not that great drawing togetherness that occurred in the early colonies, for they were then more aware of their universal need for interdependence than mankind are today.

     We call this to your attention because we want to instill into you a sense that this is a great nation and that it remains so regardless of the fact that individuals have become less aware of the unity of the nation and more concerned with their own specific family areas, their own states, their own towns, and their own selves.

     We would like to expand today in the consciousness not only of those presently assembled here, but also in those assembled in the entire community of the United States and the world an awareness of the oneness of life upon the planet that we may be able to create in America in the future that Holy-Family concept that will draw mankind together and set before the people of this planet a cup of light in the heart of America.

     For India is actually the very soul opposite of the United States. India and America are two of the greatest nations in the entire world. Although mankind are not aware of it where India is concerned, the ascended masters are. We say to you that all of the problems that America has at present, all of the distress that America questionably enjoys can be brought to an end if we could only reach mankind with those messages of clarification which the cosmic law requires. But it is somewhat difficult to do it in the short time that life has allotted to us, for I want you to know that there are many people today who do not even believe that we exist.

     First of all, they are not even sure that they themselves exist, so how can you expect that they are going to be aware of the fact that we exist? Then too, there are other aspects to it. Not only are they uncertain of their own existence and ours, but they doubt very much that if we do exist we are able to communicate with mankind. They seem to feel that that traveler to whose bourn mankind go to but never return from, according to their concepts, is such that there is no hope of man reaching his hand through the veil and speaking to men of this present age.

     Well, this seems to me to be a refutation of immortal Life. For certainly those who acknowledge the Lord Christ Jesus as the Prince of Peace and the beholder and holder of immortality ought to acknowledge that he is the living Christ and not a dead one. You will all understand that men have literally placed him in a tomb, and while they resurrect him each Easter, it seems to be an affair of one day. We are concerned that mankind shall feel the Spirit of the Resurrection pulsing through them every day, and we are concerned that America should be quickened by the resurrection flame pulsing through America and teaching mankind how to open their eyes.

     Why do I say open your eyes that you may see? Because actually your eyes may seem to be open, but they are in reality closed. I am not referencing all of you who are here, but only some of you. But I am referencing America as a nation. For the eyes of the American people are blinded to reality, for they do not understand the mission of the Christ that has come as the lightning from the East and moved unto the West. Nor do they understand the peace and radiation of the Buddha who came to the East. Nor do they understand the life that beats their heart. Nor do they understand the very manifestation of our contact which we are bringing forth this day and contacting mankind in embodied form that we may inspire them with the need to keep the flame and to hold high the torch of freedom that freedom shall not perish from the earth.

     Freedom and the resurrection are very much identified with one another. For in a very real sense I want you to know that when Lazarus was raised from the dead by your own beloved Jesus, he subsequently was laid to rest. Therefore, there is only one form of freedom that we are interested in and that is mankind's permanent freedom. For unless men have permanent freedom, they must continue to reembody and reembody and reembody over and over again.

     We are aware of this fact and we urge upon all the clearest understanding that the purpose of life is so that men may overcome death and overcome the conditions that plague them and obtain their freedom in the resurrection from the dead here and now, that the quickening powers of life that have dwelled in us for so long will also quicken your mortal forms, your consciousness, your minds, your hearts, and your beings and enable you to prepare yourselves for the ascension in the light that you may truly follow in the masters' footsteps.

     For we are speaking from the ascended masters' level, and the ascended masters' level is the level where no compromise is permitted. I assure you that evil could not dwell in our realm, for if it even entered here, it would immediately be transmuted into pure light. Therefore evil does not come here, but only good. And every thought that we think for mankind is for their freedom and for their security, for their blessings and for their hope of the future.

     Therefore as we plan and prepare in the International Re-Source Conference1 to give mankind keys that will enable them to make of America a cup of light to the world, to eliminate the confusion that is now spread abroad in the land, to eliminate the interracial strife, to perpetuate the Constitution of the United States in action, to reinforce the ring of the Liberty Bell, to assert the power of the Goddess of Liberty that does these twin harbors frame, to create a flame that pulsates across the land and is heard everywhere, to stir the hearts of men from their lethargy, and to pour out into life and its chalice the awareness that the consciousness of God is the consciousness of man which he has crucified within his form and brought to open shame, that man must understand that the consciousness they use is borrowed from Almighty God and must one day be returned.

     For it is like unto the talents of which Jesus spoke that mankind have all been given - some one and some ten. What are you doing with your talents today? What are you doing with the magnificent opportunities that life has sent your way? What are you doing with all of the hopes that heaven has for you?

     Will you come with me today and see the larger view? Look and behold the salvation of our God, the power to roll back by heaven's rod the plagues that have come to this nation, that as a cloud of flies has infested the land and caused men and women everywhere to fail to understand brotherhood and peace.

     They do not understand that the swarming of evil power upon them is not a thing of flesh and blood. This has nothing to do with flesh and blood, for God is in men's hearts and all men are brothers and are made of one blood upon the face of the earth. Let all understand then that the swarm that comes, comes from the pits, from Pandora's box, from the sinister force, from the sinister strategies, from the brothers of the shadow, and from those discordant individuals who are the true rebels of all time.

     I want to call to your attention then that the day must come when they will either give up their rebellion or they will certainly upon the walls of the pit look up and say, "What now shall we do?" And the voice of the karmic lords shall utter these fiats: "Never shalt thou be any more!"2 For if the universe is to reflect the perfection of God, it must be because evil and shadow and misunderstanding are wiped out. They have no part of freedom, they have no part of God, and they ought to have no part of you.

     Understanding of all of the many things I am speaking about will come to some of you slowly and to others it will come as the crash of cymbals. It matters not how it comes but it does matter that it comes. For when it comes you will understand that there is a destiny for mankind that supersedes any mortal concepts or mortal opinions, that there is a destiny for mankind that is higher even than ascended-master ideals, for it reaches up into cosmic realms above our level.

     I want you to understand that the ascended masters' realm extends so high and then it is taken over by cosmic levels. And beyond cosmic levels there are infinite levels of nirvana and higher expressions of the Deity which it is not necessary to go into today, for you are not even ready yet for the next step and we are preparing you for it.

     Will you then understand that what I say is true, that there are ramifications of great beauty and power above you, realms into which you will one day advance? But you must overcome in this realm that you may obtain your mastery here as we did and enter the ascended state in holy communion with those of us who long to clasp your hands and step through the veil and greet you with our love.

     I say to you one and all then that regardless of whether you can accept my reality and the power and pressure of my presence, I love you! I love you! I love you! And I am determined that my love shall help you to hold in the chalice of your consciousness that flame of freedom which I revere.

     Let us however understand that no man is an island. No man can live unto himself. No man can live within a compound of his own creation. He must reach out. He does reach out. He clasps hands. He clasps for hope and grasps at straws that he may bring into the world order some of the beauty of heaven which comes and descends upon mankind in the fire of the sun as the sun reaches out and drenches the plain and bursts forth into flower and bloom again everywhere upon the earth, bringing forth the breath of hope and rebirth.

     Won't you understand then that America is my sweetheart? Won't you understand that while I love the whole world, because I have been a godfather to America and I AM Uncle Sam in deed and in truth, that I still love America, that I still stand by her, and that I will continue to help her that she may go through her hour of travail and find that peace that America seeks with all her heart. But it must come in justice. It must come in freedom. It must come in honor. And it must come in the strength of Almighty God. For upon that strength America was founded, and in that strength America can live, and without that strength America would fall.

     I say then to you, will you with me keep the flame [audience rises] as we prepare this year to do more than we have ever done before? For this is the grand adventure. This is the architecture of Almighty God through the hand of hierarchy. This is the moment of stillness, the moment of truth when we frame the pageant of eternal youth for every man, woman, and child. For our hopes for you are strong and they live all day long and they live forever. They are eternal. They are permanent. They are security to everyone that will accept them.

     For your attention, for your love, for your devotion, and for your faith in my principles and my intents as well as faith in the principles, the unalterable love of Almighty God, I thank you. For by this love and this faith and this security, you will certainly make an impact upon this age. We will see to it! We will see to it!

     And I am not standing alone. For as I speak to you there comes a sudden rushing of a mighty wind from on high, and behold, twelve ascended masters now stand with me on this stage. And I tell you that it may seem a little bit crowded if you could see in full view.

     But I want you to know that we are only the beginning of a vanguard of light that this year is going to work with this activity and with all of the constructive activities of the world to try to see if we can roll back the hordes of darkness and shadow that have far too long held sway in America and have sought to distort the life principles of every individual upon this planet and have sought to distort the life principles of the youth of this planet and have sought to instill race hatred and fear and persecution all over this world.

     I want you to know that discord is worldwide. And we are determined to put an end to it because we want to expand, as your own Mahatma Gandhi long ago sought to expand, the flame of nonviolence, the flame of peace, the flame of compassion, the flame of love, carrying then the love of Lord Buddha and mingling it with the love of Christ, that the Christ of the ages and the Buddha of the ages should find in those twin rays of magnificent God-control the beauty that freedom is and that freedom imparts to every single son of God everywhere upon the earth.

     I thank you in the name of God, for you are our future! You are freedom in action here!


     Note: The above dictation by Saint Germain was dictated to the Messenger Mark L. Prophet at the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral on April 13, 1968 (12:18-12:54 p.m. MST).

     Saint Germain contacted Guy W. Ballard in August, 1930, on the side of Mount Shasta, northern California, and began his training as a messenger for the Great White Brotherhood. Mr. Ballard was chosen by Saint Germain because of his previous association with the master as George Washington and his preparation for this role in this and many other incarnations. Demonstrating the science of precipitation directly from the 'universal' and the transformation of his own physical appearance, Saint Germain delivered to the one whose inner name was Godfre the first of many discourses on the I AM Law of Life and the limitless power of the great God Self within every person. To illustrate the law of karma, Saint Germain escorted his student in their finer bodies to localities where he had lived in past embodiments. By revivifying the akashic records, Saint Germain reviewed for Godfre important lessons in cosmic law from certain experiences in these past lives, hence accelerating his enlightenment on the Path and reestablishing their age-old relationship. Godfre learned that seventy thousand years ago, Saint Germain had been the king-emperor of a great golden-age civilization which existed where the Sahara Desert now is, and that he and his wife, Edna Ballard, and their son, Donald, were embodied as his children there. Under his enlightened reign, the entire civilization knew an era of peace, abundance, and accomplishment in commerce, education, and the arts and sciences. No government since that time has even approached the achievements of this divinely directed administration. For hundreds of years, harmony among peoples was the law of the land without the need for enforcement by any armed forces. The authority of the affairs of state was vested in Fourteen Ascended Masters,3 two governing on each of the seven rays of the Christ light, with fourteen lesser masters in charge of the seven departments of government. Gold was in widespread use among the people for its vitalizing energy and its purifying and balancing electronic force. It was never hoarded but widely distributed because, as precipitated sunlight, its radiant energy served to purify and elevate the spiritual consciousness of the people and balance the natural forces of the earth. Many of the more advanced souls had full conscious use of the powers vested in them as sons of God, and they were able to directly precipitate gold and precious jewels in large quantities for use as focuses of light. However, a portion of the people gradually became more interested in the gratification of the outer senses than in fulfilling the divine plan of the golden age, causing them to lose their powers of God-mastery. Saint Germain, as the king, realized that it was therefore no longer the divine plan to sustain his reign. He was subsequently advised by those of higher spiritual authority to withdraw. He then held a banquet for his chief councilors and their staff to announce this decision, and there a cosmic master appeared from out the Great Silence and addressed the entire assembly. The master warned them of the dire consequences of turning away from the great God Source to satiate the endless desires of the outer self and prophesied that the empire would disintegrate unless the people returned to the worship of the light within and obeyed the Law of the One - love. Seven days later, the king and the royal family were taken by the cosmic master to the Golden Etheric City of Light over the Sahara, and without the sponsorship of the ascended masters the empire gradually declined. Two thousand years later when the empire had become barren and desolate, a great cataclysm ensued, creating an inland sea that submerged the land. After twelve thousand years another earth change drained the land, and later a portion of it became the present Sahara Desert. Today the people of that ancient civilization have reembodied in America. As a nation they are destined to rise once again, to recognize the Real Self within, and to reestablish a great spiritual culture under the tutelage and leadership of their king, Saint Germain, and the Fourteen Ascended Masters who today govern the destiny of America. To continue the training of Godfre, Saint Germain next took him to the Royal Teton Retreat located in the Teton Range in the state of Wyoming. In this physical retreat of the Great White Brotherhood presided over by the Ascended Master Lanto (whose administrative and executive responsibilities have since been assumed by Lord Confucius), Godfre was shown the great hidden activities of the ascended masters and their councils, instructed in the sacred mysteries of life, and shown on the Cosmic Mirror the past records of the rise and fall of civilizations on Lemuria, Atlantis, in the Gobi and Sahara deserts, in Egypt, Rome, England, and Europe. Here he received the prophecy and the vision that America would soon become the very heart of a golden age. At Yellowstone Park, at the ruins of the Inca civilization in Mexico and Peru, and in the buried cities of the Amazon, Saint Germain awakened the memory of additional embodiments and past records, including the great golden-age civilization in South America under the Ascended Master Casimir Poseidon, all the while instructing and explaining the working out of cosmic law and divine destiny. For the next stage of preparation, Godfre was brought into contact with other embodied disciples of Saint Germain - Daniel, Rex, and Nada Rayborn, Bob and Pearl Singleton, David Southerland, Alexander Gaylord, and Zara and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Livingston - and together they performed various missions in the service of the Brotherhood as they journeyed to other retreats for advanced training: to Eriel's retreat at the Secret Valley in Arizona, to Saint Germain's retreat at the Cave of Symbols in Wyoming, to the subterranean Arabian Retreat, to the Retreat of the Master of Paris, to the home of El Morya in Darjeeling, to Chananda's Palace of Light, and finally to the Cave of Light in India. At the Cave of Light, the Great Divine Director - who had trained Saint Germain, Jesus, Kuthumi, and many other illustrious ascended masters - granted a special dispensation whereby two years of inner-retreat activity was accomplished in just two days of intense purification. Following this transcendent experience, Godfre and a special group of disciples were commissioned as true messengers of the Great White Brotherhood. All of these experiences are recorded by Guy Ballard under the pen name Godfre Ray King in his books Unveiled Mysteries and The Magic Presence (Chicago: Saint Germain Press, 1934, 1935). Saint Germain and other ascended masters, including Jesus, Himalaya, Nada, Cha Ara, and Arcturus, gave to the Messenger Guy Ballard in the early 1930s a series of discourses on the use of the great creative word I AM and the individualized I AM Presence. Thirty-three of these were published in the book The "I AM" Discourses. Using a light and sound ray and at times visibly standing in the room, Saint Germain released the power of tremendous rays of light as confirming evidence of the authenticity of this instruction. For thousands of years the inner understanding of the word I AM had been restricted to the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood and given only after a three-year probation. But because of the exigencies of the hour and the urgent need of the children of God on earth for greater assistance, the dispensation was granted Saint Germain for this teaching to be given to the world at large. In The "I AM" Discourses Saint Germain explained that the word I AM releases the full power of God in action. It is the first expression of every self-conscious being. I AM is the purest and highest principle of life, the Presence, the universal intelligence ever endeavoring to bring forth the expression of the original pristine state of the Godhead. Saint Germain stated that if one would daily train the outer senses to be still for but five minutes three times a day and then call the mighty I AM Presence into action, all the proof that one could desire of its power and reality would be forthcoming. In addition to the knowledge and invocation of the I AM Presence, Saint Germain taught Mr. Ballard the need for the God-control of thoughts and feelings, the law of reembodiment, the use of constructive desire to accomplish good, how to project consciousness out from bodily limitations, the correct techniques of meditation and visualization, the Law of the One, and the use of mighty rays of light in the service of the ascended msaters. One of the most important teachings was on the use of the violet consuming flame. Saint Germain explained that by calling to the mighty I AM Presence to release this action of the sacred fire, one could purify the mind and body of unnecessary substances which hinder the flow of light, thus clearing the consciousness to receive greater illumination. For many centuries this knowledge was also taught only in the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood. Now with the setting aside of the occult ("that which was kept hidden") dispensation and the bringing forth of this instruction, students throughout the world can benefit from the application of this teaching. The master also explained why so many past civilizations had been destroyed by cataclysm. He said that although Nature is itself inherently pure and harmonious, it can tolerate only so much of man's imposition of vicious and destructive energies before they must, by cosmic law, be returned. Then the self-purifying, protective mechanism inherent in Nature throws back to man, through cataclysmic activity, the full weight of his past miscreation, destroying and burying the records of iniquity and leaving myth and tradition as the only visible remnant of so many past ages. Now the ascended masters would again teach mankind the constructive use of knowledge that will bring about the perfect cooperation of the great inner forces of Nature. Completing this round of service for his master, Mr. Ballard took his ascension on December 31, 1939, leaving Mrs. Ballard to carry on the work as messenger until her own ascension on February 12, 1971. In order to continue the work begun by these faithful disciples of the Aquarian master, the Ascended Master El Morya contacted his chelas Mark and Elizabeth Prophet and trained them as messengers to serve under Saint Germain, founding The Summit Lighthouse in 1958 to publish the teachings of the ascended masters as Pearls of Wisdom, weekly letters sent to their chelas throughout the world. Thus the open door to octaves of light is maintained and the progressive revelation of the ascended masters continues to be released. On February 26, 1973, Mark L. Prophet made his ascension and passed the full mantle of the authority of the Great White Brotherhood to his twin flame, Elizabeth, who is now bringing the word and the radiation of the ascended and unascended masters of East and West to America and to all who have heard the inner call of Saint Germain to bring in the great golden age.


1 The first International Re-Source Conference was held in California in 1968, July 20-21 in San Francisco and July 26-28 in Los Angeles.
2 Rev. 20:12-15; 21:8
3 The Fourteen Ascended Masters Who Govern the Destiny of America gave a dictation on November 22, 1975, at The Greater Way of Freedom conference in Washington, D.C. This address is available in the Cassette Album A7610 and in the paperback book The Greater Way of Freedom, which contains the transcripts of all the dictations given. Also included in this album and book are dictations by Saint Germain, the Goddess of Liberty, Ascended Master Godfre, El Morya, and Sanat Kumara.