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Let us enter into the consciousness of the heart. "Draw nigh to me, and I will draw nigh to you"1 are the words of the Lord spoken within the soul of the Apostle James as the key to the union of God and man through the blessed mediator, the Christ Self. This union has been depicted in the symbol of the six-pointed star - the interlaced triangles that reveal the energies of man ascending and the energies of God descending.
The point at which these energies meet is in the center of the threefold flame of life, sealed within the hidden chamber of the heart. Let it be realized that the threefold flame itself is the flaming consciousness of the Christ, the only begotten of the Father, that is anchored within every individualization of the Father-Mother God, every son and daughter of the flame.
As you know, all energy has frequency, or vibratory rate, but you must understand that the frequencies of man's energies are not the same as the frequencies of God's energy. For the Lord God has said, "My thoughts are not your thoughts; neither are your ways my ways."2
In order for God and man to be one on earth even as the soul of man is one with the Spirit of God in heaven, the Christ comes forth to mediate the frequencies of Matter and of Spirit. The perfect blending of the energies of God and man are realized, then, through the Christ Self of the individual or through masters ascended or unascended who have attained the harmony of the Christ mind.
When Paul said, "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,"3 he spoke of the Christ Self and he directed the disciples of the Lord to let the Christ Self be within their hearts the mediator of perfection. The mind of which Paul spoke has been referred to as the higher mental body. The terms "higher mental body" and "Christ Self" are synonymous, and they refer to the force or presence of the Christos - even to the Logos who becomes the Word incarnate to every son and daughter who recognizes his joint-heirship with the Christ.4
To fulfill, then, the first half of the equation "Draw nigh to me, and I will draw nigh to you," mankind must raise the energies of consciousness to the level of the heart chakra through meditation on love, through the application of wisdom, and through the garnering of God's energy as the will to be. As you center your attention more and more upon the heart through the visualizations, precious indeed, imparted to you by our brother Lanello,5 you magnetize the energies of the four lower bodies day by day to the heart center, thus according the Christ the preeminence and the dominion of your soul awareness.
The magnet that you create within the heart chakra is the ascending triangle. And the more you meditate upon this triangle superimposed upon the heart chakra, the more it becomes the reality of the dimensions of the Sacred Trinity, embodied in the threefold flame sealed in the hidden chamber of the heart.6.
As surely as the call compels the answer, so the presence of this forcefield, of this triangle, combined with the letters of living flame "I AM THAT I AM," will draw the descending triangle of God's consciousness into the heart chakra. And this merging of Creator and creation through the intercession of the Christ Self is the foundation of our exercise whereby the aura of man becomes the aura of God.
In God's holy name, O mankind, I say, awake from the sleep of the ages! In God's holy name, I say, do you not understand that you can become only that which you already are?
If you would expand your aura as the forcefield of consciousness, you must possess the matrix within the heart chakra for that expansion. The matrix is the six-pointed star centered in the heart chakra superimposed with the name of God "I AM THAT I AM." Now the second half of the equation is fulfilled as the Lord God himself declares, "I will draw nigh to you."
Down through the ages, many have said: "Why do I need Jesus or Buddha or Confucius or the Virgin Mary to get to God? I will go straight to God. I will bypass all others." And thus in their ignorance, mankind have displaced the Christed ones. Understand, then, that the law of intercession by the Christ is scientific and mathematical. It is based on the inner geometry of the interlaced triangles and on the science of the frequencies of material and spiritual energies.
In those periods of history when mankind have ignored the fact that the Christ light has ignited the flame within the hidden chamber of the heart as the gift of life and consciousness to every soul,7 darkness has covered the land. When mankind have seen through a glass darkly and have not beheld the Lord face to face as the Christ within themselves,8 the Divine Presence has sent intermediaries - avatars, teachers, and prophets - who have exemplified the Christ light personified as the Christ Self of each and every one.
Until mankind come to know the Christ as the inner self, they may, according to cosmic law, appeal to the saints and holy ones both on earth and in heaven who, as Christed beings, intercede for them that they might merge their energies with the beloved I AM Presence.
By and by, as the merging is reinforced by faith, by hope, by works of charity, one by one the children of God come to know the Christ Self within as their own individualized mediator, their own Christ consciousness. And as this truth is realized, their auras become the aura of God, and the halo of the saints, as the crown of glory, rests upon them as the grace of the Holy Spirit.
The aura of man marks the circumference of his awareness of God. It is a forcefield in Matter which God has created as an extension of himself - of his own God Self-awareness. The size of the aura is directly related to the individual's mastery of the frequencies of God's energies within the chakras - the key chakras being the seven most commonly referred to by Buddhists and Hindus as the wheels of life and death.9
As the Christ becomes the light of the world of each chakra, so the energies of God and man meet in that chakra. And in this alchemical union - the balance of the triangles of Alpha and Omega and the converging of the energies of God and man - there is precipitated the law of perfection as the flame of living truth.
The aura of man is like a giant balloon, and this balloon is filled with neither oxygen nor helium, but with the flow of energy that is released from the seven chakras. The greater the energy that is released, the greater the size of the balloon. The greater the size of the balloon, the more God can release his consciousness into the planes of Mater. For the balloon is the coordinate in time and space of the great causal body of the Father-Mother God.
Each of the chakras has a special function, and we shall consider these functions step by step. Each of the wheellike vortices that comprise the chakras has, according to the teachings of the masters of the Himalayas, a certain frequency that is marked by a number of petals, so-called. These petals determine the flow of the energies of God to man, and they govern certain aspects of God's consciousness, commonly called virtues, which may be amplified within the chakras.
The chakras that are presently operative in the being of man are anchored in the lower etheric body, and their positions conform to the organs in the physical body that receive the flow of vitality from the higher bodies necessary to its functioning. These chakras are located at the base of the spine, midway between the base of the spine and the navel, over the navel, over the heart, at the throat, on the brow, and at the crown.
The placement of these chakras to correspond with nerve centers in the physical body was adjusted during the epoch of the Fall of Man. There remains, however, in the higher etheric body the line of the seven chakras as forcefields for the seven rays. And these are for the distribution in the four lower bodies of the frequencies of the seven Elohim, known as the seven Spirits of God.
At this point in our dissertation, we are concerned with the interaction and the flow of the energies of the heart chakra as these are divided into the twelve petals, frequencies or aspects, of the Christ consciousness. In order for mankind to attain the Christ consciousness, it is necessary for them to balance the threefold flame within the hidden chamber of the heart so that that flame might be realized by the power of the four (four times the three plumes of the threefold flame equals twelve) - marking the four sides of the temple of being.
Students of cosmic law therefore pursue the externalization of the twelve sacred virtues in order to attain the mastery of the heart chakra, for they know that the heart as the seat of Christ-authority is the key to mastery in all planes - in all chakras.
As you meditate upon the fires of the heart, I ask you to chant the name of God "I AM THAT I AM." Then call in the name of the Christ for the following God-qualities to be focused in the geometry of the twelve according to the distribution of frequencies in this lotus of twelve petals: God-power, God-love, and God-mastery; God-control, God-obedience, and God-wisdom; God-harmony, God-gratitude, and God-justice; God-reality, God-vision, and God-victory. You may also alternate your chant of the sacred name with the AUM, or OM.10
These chants, combined with the fervent application to your God Presence to focus these frequencies within the heart, will bring balance to both your inner and your outer being and restore the equilibrium of the Christ flame that is so often lost in the wild and the welter that marks your "modern" civilization.
So now, my beloved in Christ,
My gift of love, a cup of light,
A cup of illumination rare,
I bring to you as holy prayer.
It is my prayer that you become
The fullness of his glory.
It is God's prayer
That his energy we share.
So, my beloved,
Let it be your prayer
That Almighty God will be there
As virtue flowing, as light all-knowing
In the center and the circumference
Of the sacred center,
Sacred fire of the heart.
I am in the Buddha the turning of the wheel of the law.
In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, and my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, I am calling to the heart of the Saviour Jesus Christ and the servant-sons of God and legions of Light who are with him in heaven and to the World Mother to balance, blaze, and expand the threefold flame burning within the secret chamber of my heart until I AM manifesting all of thee and naught of the human remains.
Take complete dominion and control over my four lower bodies and raise me and all life by the power of the three-times-three into the glorious resurrection and ascension in the light! In the name of the Father, the Mother, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I decree!
Balance the threefold flame in me! (3x)
Beloved I AM!
Balance the threefold flame in me! (3x)
Take thy command!
Balance the threefold flame in me! (3x)
Magnify it each hour!
Balance the threefold flame in me! (3x)
Love, wisdom, and power!
And in full faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!
Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!
Note: Repeat stanza four times, using the verbs blaze, expand, and intensify in place of balance the second, third, and fourth times.
[Taken from book version, The Human Aura]
I AM the Light of the HeartWith this gift of infinite freedom from God's own heart I make you a never-ending promise to assist you to find your immortal freedom as you determine never to give up and never to turn back. Remember that as long as you face the Light, the shadows are always behind. And the Light is there, too, to transmute them all.
Shining in the darkness of being
And changing all into the golden treasury
Of the Mind of Christ.
I AM projecting my love
Out into the world
To erase all errors
And to break down all barriers.
I AM the power of infinite Love,
Amplifying Itself
Until it is victorious,
World without end!
Djwal Kul, come!And in full faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!
In the center of the One,
Anchor now thy radiant sun,
Magnet of the threefold flame,
Expand God's aura in God's name!
Djwal Kul, come!
Threefold fountain, fill my heart;
Let thy angel now impart
The name of God - I AM THAT I AM,
Djwal Kul, come!
Flame of gold, pink, blue, and white,
Seal thy victory star of light;
Renew my vows to God's own name;
Come, O Christ, in me now reign!
Djwal Kul, come!
Expand the fire of the Sun;
Alpha 'n Omega, make us one,
Seal my energies in Christ,
Raise my energies in light!
Djwal Kul, come!
Align my consciousness with thee,
Make us one, O make me free!
Seal my heart and hand in thine,
In God's mind I AM divine!
Djwal Kul, come!
Blaze the action of the Whole,
With light of victory fill my soul;
Return me to the Flaming One,
I AM begotten of the Son!
Coda: I AM God-power, I AM God-love,
I AM God-mastery and God-control,
AUM (chant)
AUM (chant)
I AM God-obedience now,
To thy law I vow,
God-wisdom flame I AM,
God-wisdom flame I AM,
God-wisdom flame I AM!
AUM - God-har-mo-ny (chant)
AUM - God-har-mo-ny (chant)
AUM - God-har-mo-ny! (chant)
God-gratitude, God-gratitude, God-gratitude!
I AM God-justice in full view,
I AM God-justice in full view,
I AM God-justice in full view!
God-re-al-i-ty! (chant)
I AM God-vision, God-victory won,
I AM God-vision, God-victory won,
I AM God-vision, God-victory won!