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To Those Who Would Steel Their Minds for the Battle:
Thrust forth the concept of the common weal! God has thought first. On the magic carpet of man's free will, He may glide upward or downward. The sword at the gate of Eden keeps the way of the Tree of Life. The invulnerability of cosmic levels remains a tightrope which none can breach.
In the murky contents of the carnal mind, residual factors of Light remain to be used or misused by the soul without knowledge. Straight knowledge is above the sophistication of mere intellectualism as the clouds are above the earth. The pockmarked human psyche continues to berate itself. Neither modern nor ancient historical reflections are tales of infinity or of a heaven world of ethereal magnificence.
Men say falsely that only the senses report accurately. The history of science will clearly show a host of conflicts which are to be expected if progress in the search for understanding is to be forthcoming. The kingdom of heaven does not rise and fall with the vicissitudes of humanity's struggle. The kingdom of heaven, independent of all human effort, is inaccessible to those whose consciousness is unreceptive. Therefore, before man can know God or the laws governing the manifestation of Spirit in Matter, the holiness of cosmic purpose must be quaffed.
The very emptiness of the human heart, steeped in the debauchery and clash of purposeless ego-strutting, like a dog howling at the moon, only reverberates. The flutter of substance does not denote tomes of wisdom, but only movement. We measure progress by soul-knowing and humility, by God-sowing and tranquility. Peace at any price betrays. True peace is a cosmic vibratory action, wherein the middle wall of partition sends flowers of hope to those upon the pathway.
Morya speaks of the watching of guidance. Does heaven perceive? We are not spies, but only progenitors, hoping to avoid pitfalls. Delays are dangerous. The nets of the gray ones are tenuous, dripping with drops of "good" and "evil." Discernment becomes difficult. Only the heart of the arhat, like a straight arrow, flies into the arms of God. The tower of man's strength is ever true spirituality. Those who shatter the fine china of man's morality will not only sweep up the pieces, but karmically they may also have great difficulty in once again putting the pieces together.
The spoilers are currently in the ascendancy only because of the lethargy of those who cry, "The cause is lost." Fear not to cry out against darkness. So shall the hallmark of quality be engraven in the minds and hearts of men, for Light and darkness exist side by side. He that is for us ought not to be against us.
The myths of atheism and agnosticism are only chasms to trap the unwary. Actually it is an absurdity to doubt the existence of God. To overlook His laws is folly.1 But not all who cry, "Lord, Lord"2 will understand the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world.3 They think that in the worship of the only begotten Son of God, they do honor their Heavenly Father. Only those who do God's will can rightly ford the muddied stream of current human thought. Youth holds out a tarnished shield. The shield is each man's; as he formed it, so must he reform it.
The Christ Consciousness neither flees nor pursues; it is simply there. To ignore the flares of regeneration is worse than never being born. For birth is the gateway to immortality when the stewardship of Truth is perceived. Tradition has many gaps; humanity have many clichés of thought and feeling. Cosmic ideations escape them solely because of old and fearful concepts, ranging from total condemnation to feelings of inadequacy.
The parable of the talents brings to mind the episode of the servant who buried his talent in a napkin.4 Man may multiply his spiritual fruit tenfold or one hundredfold. I have not seen the limit. Limitation is self-imposed by those who degrade God by creating thimblelike concepts. Largesse of heart is the universal quality of the universal man.
The chalice glows with a sweet and sacred fire. The holy will of universal purpose is drunk in remembrance of the rule of creation that came from the Christ who declared, "Before Abraham was, I AM!"5 The words "Aum Tat Sat Aum, I AM that I AM"6 are scarcely understood by any upon the planet. But their inner meaning will come to the fore as greater spiritual progress is made, and ultimately men shall see their limitations vanish in the unlimited sense of Christ-awareness.
The concept of infinity does not transgress against the finite law: it transcends the finite law as though it never had been. Yet the usefulness of that law within its own domain must be perceived, for the sword of discrimination is of perfect balance.
We speak of the chalice of the heart. We speak of the eiderdown softness of Love's fragrance, borne upon the wings of the air, ethereal yet substantive, that levitates the consciousness. We speak of singing Light rays that, in contact even with the cells of the body, vibrate as a ten-stringed harp. We who have attained arhatship cannot repudiate it. Shall we limit ourselves by the standards of mortal weakness? We shall not! For the holy will shall prevail in those who will heed, as the testing of time and eternity, both karmic suffering and their personally created retributions formed by poor mastery of thought.
Men, by the simple acceptance of their private sense of struggle and hopelessness, create furnaces of seething emotion. God is Peace. Like a fragrant lily on which is impinged the Light from far-off stars, the soul may be the recipient of cosmic whisperings from the hearts of angels. The shining goblet of consciousness, like a giant reflector, must become a receptacle of receptivity - not to every wind of doctrine nor to a search for conflict, but to an awareness of the continual radiation of the sublime Fatherhood of God. He ceases not to speak to the human heart that listens, but His wisdom is always the wisdom of peace, the wisdom of reason, the formula of delicate logic.
O hearts of Light, thrust thy hands upward through the veil! The omnipresence of God, the eminence of Spirit, breaks the vain images of hypocrisy erected both in ignorance and in partial knowledge by man, who has inscribed upon the book of record the infamy of unbridled, untutored selfhood. Let the reins of guidance be in the hands of God, but be unafraid to take dominion over the earth.7 Out of a common reason is born the meaning of love. So shalt thou love the will of God by thy will firmly based in wisdom's flame.
We shall not forsake our chelas. Each disciple is precious to us, but in his esteem for the spiritual mountain is the communal strength born.
Renewing the fires of devotion, I AM
The Light of God's Will
Flows ever through me
The glow of real purpose
I now clearly see
O pearly white radiance
Command all Life free!