Urantia Book

Grupo de Aprendizes da Informação Aberta


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Chapter 13
El Morya - March 30, 1969

Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1969
Inspired in
Mark L. Prophet
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

13  El Morya - March 30, 1969

Vol. 12 No. 13 - El Morya - March 30, 1969
The Human Will

     To Our Very Dear Aspirants

     THE HUMAN WILL presupposes that it has the knowledge which it does not have. It bases most of its choices on human history and the observations of those whose own quality of observation is centered primarily around the physical and is seldom involved with the celestial.

     The human will identifies with the ego and seeks to support it in its passing aims. Men erect monuments to their vanities which endure in substance far beyond the tenure of their own times.

     But we are concerned with monuments of the Spirit.

     The will of God assures man that he will survive, for it is the will of God that those whom he has created should inherit his kingdom - but the rules of the game must be followed, for the law of God is inexorable in its demands for perfection.

     Humans, cast in the role of imperfection, have been willing to discount the possibility of their attaining that measure of perfection which stems from God realization. Let not your hearts be troubled, for with God all things are possible.1

     It is just as easy to serve the will of God - in fact it is far easier - than it is to serve the decaying will of man with its varying standards.

     The human will propels men to false aspirations at a dizzying rate of ascent and leaves them stranded without spiritual knowledge to plummet to their destruction.

     I would like to postulate, then, that the majority of men have no conception at all of what the will of God is, therefore they do not really know what they are opposing.

     The human will opposes the divine will because its aims are shortsighted. Men find it difficult to expand their thought beyond their days. They are prone to accept death as final and to identify with the physical form rather than with the spirit which gives it life.2

     That there is a very definite interest in the afterlife is witnessed by the large number of people who speculate on and profess to believe in survival after death.

     It might interest them to know that from the viewpoint of the Spirit, when man is born he is considered to have died. The reason for this is that spiritual substance possesses the quality of malleability, whereas on earth centuries are sometimes required even for the construction of a cathedral.

     For example, when men begin to build a large building they first complete the architectural design and then proceed to build the physical structure.

     But in spiritual realms men can actually create the blueprint of an idea in their minds and then release it into manifestation almost with the speed of light. Like some of your modern electronic computers, the sum appears upon the screen almost as fast as the keys are punched.

     There is a reason why manifestation in the lower octaves is slowed down. It is in order to give people an opportunity to dedicate themselves to higher values and to avoid the mistakes associated with haste.

     If carnal man were permitted to precipitate his will with the speed of light, the cruelty that would follow would be incomprehensible. Man's containment within a framework of natural law has provided a safety valve against the accidental destruction of all civilization.

     Wise men have thought upon this and they have conceded that with the present use of atomic energy, world destruction could become inevitable.

     Certainly, it behooves mankind en masse to understand the need to guard the educational channels of the world; for succeeding generations can easily have their attitudes altered, as they have had in the last three decades, to such a point that standards of morality and decency, upheld since man's emergence from the Dark Ages, will be trampled upon and lost.

     Whether or not a recovery can now be made quickly enough to preserve civilization is a problem for both man and God. Hereditary and environmental influences may be strong, but environmental influences can in a short time eradicate centuries of right living. Of course, I speak in a relative sense.

     Would it not be wise then for man, caught in the net of illusion, to examine the purposes of God, to know them, to understand and serve these mighty purposes in order to accelerate in his own personal evolution the divine plan and to foster the architecture of heaven for all mankind?

     The problem of absolutes is always at hand - absolute Evil and absolute Good. These conditions are so remote from the average person that their concern lies not in the absolute but in the relative.

     They are concerned not with the question "Is it a condition that manifests good or evil?" but when making a moral decision they ask, "Is it relatively good or evil by comparison to other conditions, and does it represent the best choice?"

     Understanding moral values, which are valid because they are based on truth, will help men to understand that their progress must come from their present state and move forward. Too many are obsessed with the idea of a utopian ideal which, because it is unobtainable, they use as an excuse for lowered standards.

     The law of the circle exacts its full toll: what men do unto others they receive unto themselves.3 The way to success, to prosperity, and to happiness is to give happiness unto others.

     The simplicities of the Master's way have been made plain in the midst of a complex civilization. The pathway of the Spirit that is so childlike and sweet is in any age wondrous to live when verified by the Spirit of truth within oneself.

     Cultivate, then, the Spirit of truth.4 Invite an honest analysis of situations.

     This will not require hours of your time when it is evoked out of an honest heart. The will of God that has already engraven his wisdom and love upon your heart will enable you to draw reasonable standards toward which you may reach.

     God will not seem so remote nor his will when men are able to envision it as an extension of their own consciousness from present standards to those that are still higher.

     But when men consider their own standards to be above the stars, then like an animalistic cult they grunt and groan, dance in circles, and dissipate their energies in vanity.

     We are concerned that the will of God come into fuller manifestation in the world of men. But in a relative sense, one man's idea of the will of God may be a far lower standard than it is for another.

     Men must realize that some have higher standards than others and that some can attain higher goals. Life is not meant to be filled with criticism and condemnation, but it is an opportunity to thwart the human ego which must ultimately reflect God if it is to endure.

     This is the real purpose of the existence of man: to reflect God and then to identify with the Real Image that is reflected within.

     To improve the quality of the reflecting mirror is essential; in this way consciousness itself, as a chalice, can be improved so as to contain, not only qualitatively but also quantitatively, more of the will of God.

     If individuals would just grasp the principle that the will has been hidden from them, that over the centuries they have seen only remote flashes reflected in the cup of life and that these flashes are responsible for all of the betterment of humanity, they will understand that the will of God is the panacea of healing for the world order as well as for the individual.

     Conversely, they will recognize that the will of man, tethered to no sense of the real but following its own darkened star, can never lead to the Promised Land or give man his freedom and permanent place in the universal scheme.

     From time to time, the Brotherhood releases buoyant ideas - sometimes simple, sometimes complex - into the minds of the students. These ideas are not always assimilated immediately. Albeit instant love is the will of God, it is not always the possibility of man.

     Therefore, these teachings on the will of God are given in order to re-create in consciousness certain engrams5 that will enable you to accomplish effectively and by consent your release from the carnal mind and to replace it by the buoyancy of the mind of God.

     As a little Father, I remain in your service,

El Morya

     [This text is the version published in the book, The Sacred Adventure.]


1 John 14:1; Matt. 19:26.
2 II Cor. 3:6.
3 Luke 6:31.
4 John 14:16, 17; 15:26; 16:13; I John 4:6.
5 Engram: a geometric formula of the Word that manifests as a forcefield of light.