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While man accepts, almost as commonplace, energy in motion in the form of electrical and radio energy traveling on wire conductors and passing wavelike through the air and the amazing scientific aspects evolving within civilization, the pursuit of subtle electrical energy, per se - thought energy and the tangible release of mankind's emotions into the atmosphere - seems to many to be of little import by comparison to outer phenomena.
This is unfortunate, for the key to the total world situation lies not in the visible but in the invisible world. For certainly it cannot be justly stated that the effects of man's thoughts and feelings as phenomena in the world cannot be visibly seen.
One of the major problems facing our brotherhood of light today is the dissemination of truth in its pure form. Understandably, each outer religious, philosophical, or scientific orifice is somewhat prone to deem itself, even with all of its tendency to secularization, to be infallible. Our problem, then, is one of communication, and thus our letters of divine love released each week into the world of the student are a most potent, cosmic measure.
Through the release of the Pearls of Wisdom, the thoughts and feelings of the devotees of Almighty God, his servants, the ascended masters, upon finding welcome in the world of the student, are amplified and radiated out in all directions through the "station" of his consciousness.
Often this takes place in a dual way, whereby the forms of both thought and feeling are sent out through the student into his immediate environment. In other cases, by direct contact through various means, there is a dissemination or a diffusion of our radiation, our wisdom, and our spirit of hope which penetrates the densities of mankind and uplifts the general level of the world consciousness. For although the clouds of unknowing are thickly gathered around the ignorant upon the planetary body, there is yet a deep and subtle hunger within the souls of most men which thrusts them toward the light even when they sit in darkness.
It would be well, in assessing the spiritual battle of Armageddon, to pause to consider the immense struggle in which the world is engaged in winnowing her way through the evolutionary process and to realize that this struggle is but a shadow cast against a cosmic screen from whence the glory and beauty of the total cosmic design is projected into the world of time and space. Thus, it would be well for every student of the ascended masters and each individual who seeks to find the light of his own Divine Presence to realize that the statement: "One day with God is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day"1 is the correct attitude for all to assume.
Jesus long ago declared, "In your patience possess ye your souls."2 While the negative forces seek to project discouragement in the face of each student concerning the total world schema, this is always a false picture, for it never takes into account the markings of genuine cosmic progress but rather attempts to hinder man from recognizing that he has in fact made any progress at all.
While some maxims are very old and widely used upon the planetary body, even an ascended master does not hesitate under certain circumstances to employ them along with a bit of mankind's own humor in order to bring home a point of the law. Thus, the saying "Keep your eye upon the doughnut and not upon the hole" might very well pinpoint for the students the need of the hour.
For where extremes of human thought and feeling are constantly being taken into account by well-meaning friends, their emphasis on human behavioral patterns is actually an intended guise projected at them by the negative forces. And these have no power if the student of the light will recognize the need to catch hourly the melodies of Life released in a series of incremental cadences from higher octaves of right thought.
Taking each day as it comes and utilizing it to the fullness of each man's capacity to live and to understand will provide avenues of hope and peace, enlarging the borders of present perceptions and bringing the mind of man into direct contact with his own Divine Presence and the world of the ascended masters.
Because it is a foregone conclusion that all embodied men continually require guidance from a higher source, it is our intention this year to stress the provisions of that guidance to those who can disentangle themselves from the very sense of entanglement and, in a moment of peaceful freedom, commune with their Divine God Presence, I AM, and then feel the flow of the holy wisdom which that Presence will release into the chalice of each ever-present moment.
I can well recall a series of utterly engaging anecdotes taken from many of my embodiments. But your own beloved Jesus in his recent conversation with me has pointed out the need for a judicious release of such information lest we encourage the students to dwell overmuch upon entertaining aspects of the past, even as some do upon old photograph albums. While there is delight and instruction in these matters, and in due course of time we do intend to sprinkle our instruction generously with such knowledge presented in an entertaining manner, the needs of the moment are for clear-cut instructions that will set the course of the compass of life for the teeming humanity who is presently involved in crucial struggles upon the planetary body.
The world stage has many exits as well as entrances, and the ever-changing stream of human personalities come into the schoolrooms of life in a multitude of states, many of which are almost entirely confusing. The great brotherhood of light desires to terminate, wherever possible, every avenue of confusion and to cut men free from that which causes them distress, providing them with ever-new vistas of blessed assistance whereby our light may serve as a catalyst to release their own light into manifestation.
Quite naturally, we are also engaged in disseminating into the various world plateaus - the areas where men and women are making little progress across the span of the centuries - those thoughts and feelings energized with the "will to do" and to work such change in the world domain as shall make life more beautiful, not only for this generation but also for all succeeding ones.
You do well to keep your hand in ours; for whereas with the coming of age men become more self-reliant, supposedly, there is at times a diminishing expression of this quality which the honest must admit, even as the dishonest cannot. Thus, while each one has within himself the seeds of greatness, the weeds of negation and smallness lie also within the hopper of the mind and emotions. Each control that establishes effective safeguards within the person to decontaminate the self from this negation assures the fallow ground within self a greater opportunity to play host to those seeds of light which, when expanded, will produce in consciousness the paradise garden of divine perfection.
The narrow barriers separating perfection from imperfection are present within all. Through the development of the Christ consciousness - which is not conditioned by human attitudes but rather conditions mortal thoughts and feelings - the Master's statement "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved"3 becomes the golden cross in the narrow room of self which we lift up to the heavens. Our goal is to that end, that all may see his name and love emblazoned in the wonder of progressive unfoldment highlighted by the mystery of the Christ within.
Motivatingly I AM holding the reins of progress for you,