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Disciples Seeking Initiation into the Mysteries of Reality:
The grace of God commendeth each one to the feet of Holy Reason for self-discernment that the way of victory may be made plain. Now, with the seasonal flood of knowledge that is being released, it is essential for mankind to cultivate the `discriminating faculty' in order that time may be well utilized in assimilating the most useful principles.
We know the striving of the pure in spirit to elevate in themselves each godly principle to a realization of such transcendent beauty that all effort in attainment is forgotten in the purity of victory. Others feel the impulse to relive each "painful" episode along the way. They do not pause to consider that unless care is used while engaging in retrospection they may rekindle their old momentums of struggle and a loss of their progressive momentums will almost certainly follow, however slight. For purposes of gratitude and introspection, a brief review will serve to show that victory can be obtained even over what seem to be desperate situations. The wave of the future needs the pure vision of creative power in order that the transcendence of the divine nature might be effectively called into action.
Now, when we probe the mysteries of reality, we must also instruct upon the existence of batteries of dark forces which seek to rob the disciple of his realization of reality and the blessings that might be called into action through that realization. To secrete the illusion of fog and confusion concerning many aspects of life by glossing over the more unpleasant and unsightly aspects of human creation is to further involve men in the maya of mortal concepts rather than to extricate them from such dilemma. Once the downward spiral has begun, the individual moves still lower into subconscious pitfalls of discouragement. This fosters doubt and prevents the powers of light from effectively overcoming evil with good.
Each lifestream should see how the word initiation can be used to interpret the process inherent within its meaning: I-niche-i-action - the I, or ego, must find its niche of cosmic intent or purpose and call the great power of God into individualized action for sustained personal and universal freedom.
When the reality of God becomes a part of man's conscious identity, what wonders are wrought! Then the banner of the soul, flying from the ramparts of Life, inspires each moment with an onward push. Ceaseless misconceptions and feelings of uncertainty must be uprooted; yet, in the process, the wise will seek constantly to establish virtue wherever blight is removed or rendered inactive. Transmutation of old negations must be followed by a reeducation of the energy patterns involved in order that nothing may be lost but that all may be constantly exalted and retrained in the ascending spiral. It was on this subject that Jesus was instructing when he said to one whom he had healed, "Go, and sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee."1
The meaning of reality itself must be sought, and not in the human lexicon but in the great records of almighty perfection which the screen of nature holds side by side with those elements which may seem foreign to the divine purpose. The excellence of the creation, descending from the heart of God, commingles with old and new interferences which are continuously being set up by mankind through his misuses of knowledge and power. Great care must be used in distinguishing the real from the unreal and in determining the inherent goodness of a specific manifestation.
There is no finer instrument than the humble, gentle faith of a true believer in the justice of God whose every thought, charged with mercy, pursues understanding as a reason for being and knows that the fruit of that which is attained can never be lost. Such sweet attitudes of pure love do not exact from the Godhead binding promises as a reward for good behavior but hold secure the knowing, whether evidenced outwardly or not, that God cannot be mocked2 nor his purposes thwarted. Such as these are content to rest the mind and being from either the sense of struggle or the sense of loss.
Since all things came forth from God and can only manifest the real as the intent of God is manifest within them, nothing can ever be lost. If there be any loss, it is of mortal or human qualities, but these were never endowed by God with either permanency or the self-regenerative qualities of the true creation.
The reflection or inverted image of the Divine which animates man and nature is ever an outflow of abundant life energy which in its inflow, or return back to the Source, carries the fruits of the quickened consciousness of individual man. As man lets go of imperfection and securely holds the hand of God in full faith that the reality of being and the full revelation thereof will unfold as the search not of a casual hour but of a lifetime of diligence, he finds personal fulfillment accelerated in each moment through the very processes of realization and acceptance.
Acceptance, then, is an attitude of mind and heart which must be nurtured and sustained each day through conscious affirmation. Merely to momentarily acknowledge truth is to be lifted as in an airplane above the mountains, subsequently to descend to lower altitudes. Daily to magnify contact with one or more of the facets of God-reality is like rising on a chair lift up a mountain slope; each day is one of progressive attunement as the Summit goal draws in closer view and the valleys are left behind.
Precious ones, have no sense of strain if the rarefied view be obscured at times so that God does not seem luminously manifest. Keep on increasing your understanding of reality each day, knowing that the law of regularity assures steadfastness in the climb and, by engagement of the thought and feeling in the ritual of attainment, you are weaving strands of light whose strength will carry you over each approaching chasm.
For your expansion in the Christ light,