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With the coming of the New Age, old things shall indeed have passed away! Men have thought destruction for so long that the main part of the whole prophecy mentioned above, upon which most have thought, has been in connection with destruction - and especially planetary destruction or the downfall of civilization. Let me hasten to assure all mankind that while cataclysms do occasionally manifest by natural law, the passing away of the old order is purposefully to clear the way for the building of the new! This always brings the birth in consciousness of the Christ tendencies, or divine propensities.
You have perhaps heard it said even by your earthly mothers, "As the twig is bent - so the tree is inclined to grow." You see, the inner intent of the heart in man is in part inherited. Of course, whenever the war entities or hate entities and other mass-created, malign influences which cause the world so much personal and planetary unhappiness are removed or transmuted, the world or individual breathes free for a moment - but only long enough for someone to again start the chain reaction of misqualified free will in the same old discordant pattern which for centuries and millenniums has made suffering on the earth and in mankind's experiences. Therefore, only by universal acceptance by the world at large can final victory come to the earth and its multitudes, and only by rising in consciousness to your own ascension can you find personal escape. There is no other way!
The inner intentions of the heart are developed only in two ways: either by hallowed attunement with your own God Presence "I AM," or by listening to the mass voices of discord from the megatons of misqualified energy which mankind have created. Seed produces in kind. Therefore, the only safe counsel comes from above, where all cosmic virtue and purity are born. That which raises you into your ascension comes from above, that which pulls you down into discord is from below. It is that simple. Forget, then, personality, even injustices, forget even your own needs for a moment, if need be, and concentrate on service to others in the holy name and power of the Christ. Do this and you shall find life even among the illusions of so-called death. The great law cannot be broken!
Every day is a "portion" of the holy season of eternity. Through externalization of God's kingdom in your own hearts and upon this dear earth, you shall in dignity and wonder unravel the sweet mystery of life which is my own keynote! (Victor Herbert's "Ah Sweet Mystery of Life" is beloved Lord Maitreya's keynote)
Rending the cosmic veil you shall come face to face with your own Divinity without end, and in the magic circle of the Presence of God you shall know that charmed existence which, while making all life one, also gives to each one an endowment of such peace, power and protection as only God can give. Remember, I had like existence upon earth to your own present state and by the transcended power of my own God Presence was raised to where I now wear such garments of eternal life as you shall one day wear.
It is absolutely essential then that you do not "faint" or become immersed in states of hopelessness where you begin to feel out of touch with God, for all such feelings are only the result of too much thought about the illusions of "self" and mundane life, with not enough contact with the reality of your own Holy Christ Self and Great God Presence "I AM." The remedy must be applied constantly. You did not wander away from the Light in a moment - sometimes it takes more than a moment to find your way home - but it is dangerous to delay the journey when life offers such grand opportunities.
So blessed ones who have delayed or postponed, begin again, and you who have long plodded continue! Keep on, and on and on! The most shadowed hour is just before the dawn of initiation. Many of you are nearing great cosmic initiations. Hold fast the Light, the doorway into the eternal day of God.
I AM Your Friend, Companion and Brother
This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members.
This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C.