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To Our Gracious Readers, Dedicated to Love's Service the World Around
As light comes from the East and travels westward each new day, so comes the radiance of the threefold flame of love, wisdom and power out from your heart's chalice to illumine your outer mind and affairs each new day.
As the days are renewed so are the years made new for all as the seasons roll! As our Father projects forth his love from the East to West uniting all people in greater bands of unity, I AM ever so filled with special hope that a greater measure by far of the plan may be externalized this year which will make the desert blossom as the rose!
There is much more than mere poetic form in the Oriental use of symbolism. The universal nature of the soul must like the lotus be unfolded everywhere I AM! While the heads of temporal governments tremble with concern about population explosions, the voice of Truth speaks to the conscience of many concerning what has not been done for the many underprivileged already here in the world, the thought of more to come seems appalling to those who cannot realize the infinite capacity of Light to provide not only temporal temples made with human hands (for the material and energy to do both come from God) but also the power to precipitate all their needs directly from the universal source of which only the few are presently cognizant.
There is such a reservoir of good stored in your causal bodies, beloved ones, that I wish you would stop for a whole year looking at your so-called imperfections. Why treasure among your souvenirs that which makes you unhappy, detach the lesson value therefrom and learn not to repeat the error! If you will do this this whole year and will call directly to your Presence to open up the windows of heaven for you and pour out the abundance of good in your causal body, you will learn much of my peace and patience, for that is and has been my secret!
The golden opportunities of life each year, day or hour ought to be appropriated by you in faith (that the good will manifest), in the highest wisdom (exercising tender wise care over your good by removing weeds of doubt); in love (God shines Light upon the good seed, that Light is love); by using love's flame all about you, and by resting in peace when you have followed the plan!
From Shamballa I ask all who can cognize the universal perfection and peace from the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood to answer the call for more spiritual husbandmen who can and will make their own corner of Eden more like I AM ever making ours at Shamballa, thus stretching out the canopy of the Father's kingdom and watching joyfully as he fills and consecrates our handiwork with his Shekinah glory (the essence or light of Light that shone forth, the holy place in the tabernacle of the children of Israel during the wilderness wanderings). Thus we may crown your simplest endeavor with our beauty, our simplicity and our abundant love!
May the I AM Presence multiply for you this year all your many virtues, as well as the ones I am showering on you now!
Happy New Year from Shamballa! I AM the Lord of the World -
O splendid jewel of jaded time
Trembling o'er the brink of morn
How shimmering with hope art thou,
As each New Year is born!
This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the Ascended Masters are members.
Since this particular focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is at present located in America's national capital, communications and freewill contributions are to be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, P.O. Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C.